Part 13 Monsters 2:

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Dio POV:

As he looked around the room his eyes scanned over the now dead police officers, over to Jonathan and Speedwagon, then firmly locked on to you.

You had been standing next to that green haired man when he threw that one officer.

So it looked like you regrettably got hit as well and might possibly have several broken bones.

As he continued to watch he saw how you were trying hard to protect that man but looked like you were struggling as the dead cop threw you off him.

He felt a bit of annoyance at this, after all he didn't really want you too badly hurt. It seemed he still retained some human emotions and you were still highly important to him.

To be honest you were the only person he had ever truly desired. The one thing he couldn't have. And it had throughly pissed him off!

But now with all his newly acquired strength he could finally start to put his new plans into action.

You had grabbed a sword from off the wall and with strength neither Dio nor you had realized you possessed, you stabbed the zombie through his face and kicked him off Speedwagon then chopped of his head.

Right after that though you fell to the ground and your injuries became more apparent, it would seem that you had broken your left arm, possibly fractured your left leg, and had two broken ribs.

As he assessed the damage it struck him that you shouldn't even be able to move right now let alone fight. So then why could you?

If he really thought about it though, it wasn't actually all that surprising, you were after all incredibly strong willed at times. A trait he found he rather liked...

Though he supposed he also enjoyed when you had your weak moments as well, he still couldn't get the horrified look on your face when he killed the police officers out of his mind, it was priceless and he absolutely loved it.

Just as he was about to grab you that idiotic brat decided to step up and try to stab him. It didn't work of course but it was still annoying and he'd much rather be playing with you instead. But he supposed now was as good a time as any to finally rid himself of the pest.

"On your feet insect! I have yet to gauge the full extent of my new powers. Let's play a little longer shall we! I trust you'll be long since dead by the time I figure them out."

He laughed as he turned around ready to finish this. Only no one was there...

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now