Part 24: Tattered Roses

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It had all happened so fast, one minute you were having the time of your life, everything was going perfectly but as usual your happiness never did seem to last...

After the wedding you and Dio became inseparable once again and you'd both quickly fallen back into your old routine. Back at the mansion you used to wake up and walk down to tell Dio good morning (Though technically it was goodnight now), you'd eat breakfast together, then you'd make jokes and laugh while eating. Then after all that you would excuse yourself and you and Dio would part ways for some of the day so that you could do whatever it was you'd both needed to do at the time. Some times it was nothing and on the rare day or so both of you were free the entire day, you would spend your time talking with him about miscellaneous things, the topics ranged from things as simple as what you're favorite foods were all the way to your home lives and past experiences. Sometimes the conversations had gotten really deep and you both knew you were the only ones capable of understanding one another.

It was almost strange that you'd not gotten together sooner, after all it was quite obvious to everyone (even you) that you'd belonged with each other. Anyway your routines and everything didn't matter at the moment, what did matter though was the event taking place in front of you now.

It had been only three weeks since you'd gotten married and since then everything had seemed like a dream, you'd never felt more content in your life and it was a most welcome feeling.

It had started as a usual day, you got up and leaned over to say good morning (night) to your husband but were surprised to find him missing. You didn't think to much of it though, it was odd for him to leave without telling you but you knew he was a busy man and it was highly possible something important had come up and he'd not wanted to wake you. That was definitely sweet of him and since that was the story you had decided to go with you just let out a small smile.

You lay in bed not truly wanting to leave the warmth of your blankets just yet, though after about 20 minutes you were finally able to convince yourself that you needed to get up.

You leave the comfort and warmth of your bed in favor of getting up to get dressed. It was cold but it didn't take to long before your body adjusted and you decided to head downstairs for breakfast.

You ended up roaming the halls for a bit just enjoy the peaceful and quiet atmosphere. You stopped suddenly as you heard Dio's voice coming from inside one of the many rooms. You smiled as you went forward to see him but halted as you saw the scene in front of you out of a crack in the doorway.

You could see Dio talking with a young girl who you were sure couldn't be any older than sixteen. You watch on feeling jealous and hurt as you hear him trying to persuade her to join him. One of his 'creations' spoke up and had said something rather rude, you looked to see Dio's reaction and sure enough it was just like you'd thought. He was obviously annoyed with the creatures lack of manners and you watched as he lifted his foot causing the creature to fly up before swiftly bringing it down and smashing it dead. Blood and gore didn't really bother you anymore, after everything that had happened you were pretty much numb to anything like that, it had to be something pretty bad if it was going to faze you. This was definitely a pitiful sight but that was really all that it was.

You watch amused now as Dio gets up and leans closer to the girl with a blooming rose in his hand. He was asking her to join him and become beautiful for eternity and all this other stuff that you really didn't care to much about, no what you cared about currently was her response. You definitely weren't disappointed as you watch her horrified expression fall way to anger and she smacked him so hard his head turned a little.

The rose wilted as he licked the blood that had leaked out of his mouth. He got up and sighed as he proceeded to walk to the door, but that was when you could no longer hold it in and you burst out laughing at his expense and you walked into the room. "She hit you! She actually hit you! Guess you're not as smooth as you thought you were love." You said whilst continuing to laugh. He was expressionless for a moment before grabbing you by the back of your dress and dragging you back out with him as he lets Dubi 'play' with the girl. You were horrified for the girl and struggled to get back to her but to no avail.

Once outside the room again, Dio had let you go and immediately you moved to hide behind a suit of armor that was in a corner, you hoped he was to distracted to see you move but you knew it was unlikely. As you thought that just maybe he had left, the suit of armor was ripped away revealing you cowering under the force of his glare.

"Now darling, what do you think you're doing? It's not polite to eavesdrop on somebody's conversation you know." He may have spoken in a joking and pleasant manner but you knew better, you could see the rage in his eyes and what was that?...was that FEAR? What did he have to be afraid of? Your question was answered soon enough as he pulled you into his embrace. "It wasn't what you're probably thinking, I promise I would never betray you like that." You look up at him skeptically, you knew what you'd saw. "I would never purposely hurt my lovely wife after all, I care for you more than anything or anyone and that will always be true, this I swear." You knew he'd always love you but you were starting to question his commitment to your union, you took your vows VERY seriously, but with the way Dio was acting you weren't sure if he did. "Then explain yourself, I know what I saw were hitting on that girl. I'm very upset with you right now, it was obvious she had no say in anything that was going on so I shall not blame her, but I will definitely blame you...I thought what we had was special. I thought you actually cared about me. I thought that maybe we could actually make this work. But this little stunt has only proven me wrong, I no longer think we can be together...Dio I'm leaving, you've betrayed me" He was about to say something in defense but you cut him off before he could. "No matter what you say now I will not believe you, you have violated my trust for the last time...Goodbye Dio..." With that said you quickly turned and walked away leaving a stunned Dio standing there not fully processing what had just happened yet.

You had made it back to your room and had lain down to cry before you saw the door get kicked down. You cowered and closed your eyes thinking it was probably a pissed off Dio standing there. You flinched as you felt a hand touch you but realized it was a gentle touch and you slowly opened your eyes revealing...

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