Part 29: The Inevitable Final Battle Part 2

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Jonathan leans into a new position and looks at Dio with determination.

"The lets do battle stance? You can't be serious." The vampire mocks highly amused. "No matter how you prepare, human ability is extremely limited and finite. Your Hamon training avails you nothing, it's useless, a mere monkey can never defeat a lion. In comparison to my power you are but a mere monkey JoJo!" He jumps up into the air to attack Jonathan.

"You're wrong! With true conviction the human race can overcome anything!" Jonathan yells as he goes in for another Hamon punch. "Let me demonstrate to just what heights a human being can rise!"

At this point you weren't sure what to do, you were all too preoccupied with Dio's minions to be of any help to Jonathan. Just how many freaking zombies did this guy create! It was as if they were never ending and it was becoming extremely annoying. It felt like no matter how many you defeated, more would just show up to replace them. You were getting nowhere and fast. All you could do was pray Jonathan had the strength to finish this.

"Don't waste your time! A zombie is all you'll ever be!"

It seems like this time Dio's going to take things seriously. This was the end. You were sure whoever managed to land the next blow would win.

As he descended towards Jonathan, said man unexpectedly spun around slowly and his Hamon filled fist swung into the fire beside him setting it aflame.

"His hand is burning! Flames coming from his glove! That might just have the power to get through Dio's ice!" Speedwagon cried out excited.

You wanted to make another snide remark about him stating the obvious but you didn't. There was too much tension and you definitely weren't going to be the one to break it. With that thought your attention now completely focused back on the fight.

"When this business is done which one of us will have fallen! We'll find out Dio!" Jonathan yells as he charged forward. His fist struck out but Dio blocks it just in time.

"Dio's blocking JoJo!" Speedwagon shouts.

Dio seems to be struggling, it didn't look liked it'd take much longer before-

"No! Wait! It's breaking through!"

You roll your eyes at Speedwagon but once again decided to keep your mouth shut.

Suddenly Jonathan's fist broke through and made contact with Dio's chest.

Everyone gasped in shock. Nobody could believe it.

You especially could only stand there dumbfounded. He'd done it...He'd defeated Dio...

"I'm disintegrating it can't be!" You watched him howl in pain as his body started to disappear. "The pain! The burning! I can't-!"

"Dio" You quietly whisper.

He glanced in your direction briefly, his eyes searching yours for something. It seemed he'd found whatever it was and turned his attention back to his pain. "My reign was to have lasted forever! For centuries uncounted by man!" He looked like he was suffering. You knew it also must have been a huge blow to have his dreams crushed like this.

Jonathan looked down and clenched his fist in sadness. "You had to be destroyed...Dio."

But it seems that the vampire wasn't done yet.

"I.Will.Not.Die!" Dio yelled out determined to survive.

You managed to get out of the way just in time as he shot what looked to be a laser beam out of his eye. You couldn't fault him for this though, he was in too much of a panic to have possibly aimed. It was just as Straizo had said, this had been his last act out of desperation. He simply refused to believe his defeat.

Suddenly everyone's attention was drawn back as Speedwagon cried out and pointed towards the dying vampire. "Look! Dio has fallen from the parapet!"

You quickly turned your head towards him and watched in horror as he fell. Your husband. Your lover. Your Dio...

Everyone but you and Jonathan signed in relief as he plummeted out of sight and into the darkness.

It was over...Jonathan had won at last.

(A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long and was written so terribly. I tried but it was really hard to write for some reason and I just kept putting it off. Again I'm really sorry.)

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