Part 14 Into the Flames:

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(Y/n) POV:

As soon as Dio had turned his back to you, you and Speedwagon grabbed Jonathan and hid behind one of the curtains. You being you had grabbed a lantern off the table really quickly then went back to hide.

It was terrifying watching and waiting for Dio to find you, you had been the one to come up with this plan but it didn't mean you were comfortable with it by any means. As soon as Dio was in front of the curtain you would take a piece of it and set it on fire, you really hoped that his new body wasn't immune to fire or something.

Everything went as planned as Dio tried to bait Jonathan then walked over to where we were.

As soon as he pulled back the curtain the flames jumped out at him.

You watched him scream as the fire burned his skin, "No one's immortal, not even you."

You were proven wrong though as Dio shook off the curtain, and you all watched with morbid fascination as his wounds healed faster than the fire was able to burn him. You looked at Jonathan and sighed, "Well we had a good run, hopefully we'll have better luck in the afterlife."

Jonathan and Speedwagon didn't seem to appreciate your humor as they glared at you for a second before looking back over at Dio.

"He's able to heal faster than the flames are able to burn him! If that's not immortality, then I'm the queen!" You looked over at Speedwagon, 'Seriously?'. But then the image was actually kind of funny if you thought about it, you knew this was a very serious situation but you couldn't help the small laugh that escaped you as you pictured him in a tiara and dress.

Dio's attention seemed to snap to you as you laughed, and you could almost swear you saw him give you a soft smile before he focused back on Jojo and gave him a smug look.

Jonathan looked like he had an idea as he looked down and whispered, "Fire hurts him, but not enough." To anyone else that probably would have sounded like him giving up, but you knew him way better than that and could tell he was forming a new plan in his head.

Jonathan grabbed you and Speedwagon and threw you both out of the way, unfortunately you dropped the lantern and it shattered, the flames now creating a wall of fire effectively separating you both from Jonathan and Dio.

You tried to pull yourself back over to him but only ended up wincing in pain. Evidently your injuries were still making things a bit difficult for you.

Jonathan just gave you a stern look as he told Speedwagon to get you out of there and that he would fight Dio.

You were too weak to protest as he grabbed one of your arms (not the broken one) and slung it over his shoulder. You were both in pretty bad shape but were able to make it out without too much trouble.

You didn't want to doubt Jonathan, but you knew Dio was too strong and he would most certainly die if whatever he had planned failed.

After a little while of waiting (you prayed Jonathan was alright) you spotted him up on the roof, and immediately realized what he was trying to do and as you looked next to you apparently so did Speedwagon. "No! That's suicide! Don't do it Jojo!!"

But Jonathan couldn't possibly hear you from where he was and you and Speedwagon knew it was to late.

You hated this, you hated waiting to see which one of them would die, you didn't want your best friend who had been with you through just about everything to die, but you secretly didn't want the man you loved (yes you still loved Dio) to die either. You were torn apart and it killed you to have wait to see how this would end.

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now