Part 8: Tears

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A/N: I just wanted you to know I absolutely adore all of you guys, I'm not on all to often so sometimes I don't see comments until a few days later. But when I did read everyone's I was really excited and surprised, it really made my day! So of course I felt like I had to continue writing, your guy's comments and feedback are the motivation I use to continue writing, thank you all so much!! And so here's the newest chapter ;)

When you woke up that morning you almost panicked as you saw none of the familiar things that indicated that this was your room, but then all the events of the previous day came rushing back. You could almost die of embarrassment, you couldn't believe you had cried and fallen asleep in Dio's arms.

"Well it's official, it can't get much worse than this." But as soon as those words left your lips you immediately regretted them. What were you thinking! Nothing good ever happens when people say that! Never say 'it can't get worse'! It can always get worse!

And you were proven correct as you watched with horror as the door started to open to reveal non other then the man you had just been thinking about.

Well you guessed now was as good a time as any to die, you figured if Dio didn't kill you first then the embarrassment would.

You were so lost in your thoughts that you almost didn't hear him speak.

"(Y/n), are you feeling better? I meant to check on you sooner but I regretfully had a few things that needed to get done first." You noticed his face darken for a moment but just as quickly as it happened, he immediately became the 'charming' Dio that you had come to love.

Not that you actually loved him or anything, it was purely a figure of speech, after all there was absolutely no way you were falling for the creep.

It was quite obvious you were in denial, but you refused to think anything else.

"Thank you Dio, I'm quite well now. I apologize for my behavior last night, it was completely out of character, I swear I don't usually go about crying on people then falling asleep on them."

The seriousness in which you'd just apologized seemed to amuse him greatly seeing as he started laughing.

"Well I should hope not dearest, though since it was you I don't mind at all, feel free to cry all you want. I promise I'm a good listener and I suppose I could allow you to hang around me more often."

The arrogance in which that was stated was almost comical, you probably would have even laughed in his face had you not truly believed he was one hundred percent serious.

As you were thinking of how exactly you should respond to that Dio took it upon himself to grab your hand and pull you up. You started to fall forward having not expected that, and you would have fallen if it hadn't been for Dio's quick reflexes.

He looked rather smug as he brought you back up so that you were right up against his chest with your face only inches from his. You felt your face completely heat up and turn red as you took in his close proximity.

And just as your lips were about to touch the door opened and one of the servants walked in.

You pulled away quickly as if you'd been burned, the mood was totally killed. Surprisingly you weren't sure if you were relieved or disappointed, but it seemed that Dio wasn't pleased. Nope, not pleased at all...

You actually felt bad for the servant, he hadn't meant to interrupt anything, but because the poor man had horrible timing he was probably going to end up facing Dio's wrath later. Of course Dio wouldn't dare do anything with you in the room, he wouldn't jeopardize his reputation for something as trivial as this.

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now