Part 12 Monsters:

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(Y/n) POV:

Your felt as if your heart was about to leap out of your skin.

There was no way he just got up and left, not after getting shot that many times.

You as well as everyone else knew that Dio should be very dead now.

"Oi Copper, away from the window!" Speedwagon yelled as he grabbed your hand and ran the other way.

The police chief looked confused but went to step forward anyway.

Just then a hand went through the mans head, pushed up, then tore the top part of it off leaving only the jaw behind.

You all just froze in terror as you watched the scene.

The torn off piece of head had landed at your feet and it took all you had not to get sick at the sight.

Suddenly a man leaped down and landed in the window lightly touching a piece of glass and hissed.

Yes the man hissed, and everyone was sent into a panic.

You couldn't help the twinge of relief you felt at seeing him alive, but the feeling was soon overshadowed by a chilling sense of dread.

Dio Brando was somehow still alive.

"Careful men! He's armed with something!" It was then that you realized you were dealing with idiots. It was quite obvious to you that Dio didn't have anything in his hands. No, the weapons he was using WERE his hands.

You noticed Jonathan briefly glance over at the mask.

Speedwagon looked panicked as shouted at the cops "What the hell are you waiting for! Shoot him with everything you have left!"

But his words fell unto deaf ears as the police officers just stood there frozen in fear.

Jonathan quickly grabbed the pistol out of Speedwagon's hand and aimed it straight at Dio.

"Come no closer!" But Dio just kept moving forward as if he hadn't heard him.

"Not another step! I mean it!"

Dio was now right in front of him as he pushed himself into the gun.

Jonathan's hands were shaking, and you knew he couldn't pull the trigger.

Just then a resounding gunshot echoed throughout the room.

Speedwagon had lined up right next to Jonathan and took the shot himself.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief except you, you had a feeling it wasn't going to end this easily.

You had been proven correct as Dio still advanced forward even with the hole in his head.

He reached up to feel his wound and then he licked the blood off his hand.

It didn't really bother you to be honest, but it sure as hell looked like it did everyone else.

They all looked horrified and even Speedwagon looked like he was going to be sick.

"We put a bullet in his head and it didn't even slow him down! He should be ten feet under by now with all the lead we've put in him!"

"Jojo, I should thank you for the source of my new found power. You're fathers blood, and the ancient mask!" Dio let out a hiss as he lunged forward and grabbed one of the officers by the head, his fingers puncturing the mans skin as he began to (what you assumed) drain the mans blood completely out of him.

All in all it was pretty gruesome even for you and you didn't know what exactly to make of it.

Jonathan looked up in horrified confusion, "He takes his very life, but how is that possible? Dio you villain, just what kind of monster have you become?!"

Dio tossed the now dead officer into the other officers, effectively and quite brutally killing them as well as heavily injuring both you and Speedwagon who had unfortunately been standing next to them as their body parts went flying.

You held back a scream as you were hit and you fell to the ground, your body was suddenly wracked with enormous amounts of pain, and you knew you now had a least a few broken bones.

This wasn't good, and it became even worse as the officer that Dio had 'drained' got up and tackled Speedwagon. You knew you needed to help, you were in rough shape yourself but you knew you had to at least try, so you grabbed the closest thing you could find that might be able to do some damage. Thankfully/conveniently there was a sword on the wall next to you, you grabbed it then with the last of your strength shoved it through the creatures head, kicked it off, then brought the sword down and beheaded him.

Pretty quickly after that though you collapsed as the pain from your injuries became to much.

Jonathan came rushing over to make sure you were alright, and you told him that you would be once this was over.

That seemed to give him a new resolve as he got up and grabbed a spear from a suit of armor that was nearby and pointed it towards Dio.

As Dio lunged forward, Jonathan shot the spear at him but it only managed to through his hand as Dio caught it.

Dio didn't even flinch as he wrapped his hand around the weapon and broke it, the top of the spear that had broken off then flew back and pierced Jonathan's shoulder.

Jonathan dropped to the floor holding his shoulder in pain as Dio just stood there bored.

"On your feet insect! I have yet to gauge the full extent of my new powers. Let's play a little longer shall we! I trust you'll be long since dead by the time I figure them out."

Dio laughed as he turned around.

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now