Part 22: Hearts Revealed

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You wake up feeling quite comfortable and unconsciously snuggle up to the warmth beside you. You bolt up quickly with the realization that somebody was indeed next to you. You groggily open your eyes and see Dio staring up at you highly amused.

Suddenly all the events of the previous day come rushing forward and you blush the darkest shade of red he'd ever seen. "You bastard! You raped me!" You accused him.

He now looks at you bored with no trace of his previous amusement. "I seem to recall you moaning my name quite loudly last night."

You look at him with wide eyes as you sputter, "W-Well that's-um-you-" Dio sighs and pulls you back down, "Stop, what happened last night was meant to happen. Excuses are pointless you're mine, get used to it already." His arrogance really should have annoyed you and you supposed it sort of did, but not as much as it should. You look up at him tiredly, "Can't you just let me go? I don't want this, I don't want you, now let me go."

He looked almost upset for a moment at your harsh words, "Look into my eyes and tell me you no longer care for me, if you can do that then I'll let you go..." His voice was uncharacteristically soft as he gazed at you with sadness shining in his eyes.

You looked him dead in the eyes and began, "Dio Brando, I don't lov-" Suddenly you felt chocked up, you couldn't say it, you couldn't lie to him. Your vision starts to blur as you feel tears welling up, "I can't-Dio I can't! I-" Dio puts his finger to your lips effectively cutting you off as you were just barely holding on.

"It's alright (Y/n), you don't have to be strong you know, you are allowed to show this weakness in front of me and only me. You needn't worry can give in've done what you could now rest. You've always worked so hard to make others happy, you've always been content to work behind the scenes to help them, you have neglected yourself in favor of others many times. I am well aware of your inability to be selfish, I know you feel bad for others because you yourself understand their pain. I know you want to be there for them just as you wished someone had been there for you... You are far too kind for your own good, it is time for you to push past those feelings and allow yourself to indulge in what you want for a change, without having to worry about everyone else. I will help you as you have helped me, you are the light to my darkness and I fear I can not live without you. So I ask you once more" He got up off the bed and walked around over to your side before bending down on one knee. "Will you (Y/n) (L/n), do this Dio Brando the honor of taking your hand in marriage?"

You sat there in shock for a good minute or two before finally coming to your senses.

He had technically asked you to marry him years ago though it had sort of been more of a statement then a question, you remember you never did give either of them your answer as you had promised.

Things were so much different now, you're abilities and finding a husband had no longer mattered. Your lives had all gone separate ways that none of you had expected, you were no longer children...This was real, whatever your answer was you both knew it was definitive, you would not go back on your word.

That day so many years ago you knew for certain what you wanted, you would have gladly married Jonathan, but now, things had changed so much, as had your feelings. Dio had won your heart and Jonathan had won your affection, he was still your brother and best friend but things were certainly not the same as they had been. You wanted to cry, how had everything gone so wrong? You had expected to marry Dio and live off the (L/n) family fortune.

Dio was smart, handsome, and he had great business sense, he would have done well as your husband, but that life wouldn't have been enough for him. He wanted more and more, he needed to be more, he felt the need to control everything and nothing would have satisfied him. Things had worked out in a weird way alright, he was a vampires similar to the ones you'd read about in stories and legends and you were the helpless but strong willed heroine.

You weren't meant to fall for the villain, you weren't meant to care for him, you weren't meant to need him; but you did.

You hated your role but there was no way to change it, this was your life now and you just had to come to terms with it. There was no way to turn back the clock, everything had happened just as fate had planned, the only question now was, should you take his hand?

Could you ignore the cries of the people that he would inevitably slaughter? Could you become like him? Could you turn away from the light only to bask in his eternal darkness?

The answer should be obvious, but it wasn't, you should hit him and try to escape...but no you didn't want to do either of those things.

Dio had been right when he'd said you practically lived for others, it was unhealthy really, you had even taken comfort in the pages of your books so as to escape from it all. The person who noticed, the only person who had seen you for what you were had been the man currently kneeling in front of you. He alone was able to chase away the loneliness, the pain, the anger, everything...

You knew even when you started this stupid quest that in the end you would die, you wouldn't be able to live without your love, he was the reason you had gotten up each morning with a smile and when he had left you, you had mourned and prayed for death. But he was here now, he was right in front of you, you wanted to be selfish, you wanted to take his hand and let him in again. But you were scared, you knew if you did this you would lose them, you would lose the Baron, dear Speedwagon, and worst of all you would lose your best friend...

You couldn't hold back the tears as you reached out your hand towards Dio. He would make the pain go away, he always did...

The second your hand met his he yanked you forward and pulled you into his lap so that he was cradling you. You buried your face into his chest as you started wailing, you had made your choice and you felt you'd just lost an important piece of yourself but you could live without it as long as Dio was by your side.

"It's alright, everything will be just fine. Things will become much easier for you soon, my dearest (Y/n), I promise..." You could hear his voice trying to soothe you as he whispered calming words into your ear.

You decided a small nap wouldn't hurt as you felt your eyes start to close, even though it seemed you'd just woken up, all that crying had made you incredibly tired.

Dio noticed this of course and gave you a small smile, "Rest now my love, I shall have one of my servants wake you once it's time."

You could barely make out what he'd just said but nodded anyway, he smirked and placed you back on the bed gently and covered you with the blanket. It didn't take you long to fall back into a dreamless slumber...

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now