Part 26: The Beginning of the End

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You push open the doors and Jonathan goes ahead of you ready to confront Dio.

You watched as he determinedly looked ahead at the monster that stood just a few feet away. "Guess who survived his time in hell, Dio."

The vampire turned around slightly to look at Jonathan, "You're alive JoJo. Interesting, I suppose logically that means you've defeated my two knights." He seemed unfazed as he stared at JoJo.

He still hadn't noticed you yet and so you continued to watch silently as some of Dio's zombies rained down around him. They were all horrible and disgusting, you still didn't like them even though you had started becoming accustomed to seeing them. They started begging him to let them finish off JoJo but it looked like Dio was taking no chances. He raised his hand to silence them as he spoke, "No this one is for me, he falls by my hand alone." Now he turned his attention fully to Jonathan, "Don't misunderstand me JoJo, honestly this is something in which I will take no pleasure. We were raised in the same house and the prospect of turning you into an undead thing is not a happy one for me. That's why I wanted you to be quickly dispatched by my knights, but it would seem in the end I underestimated you. Seeing you here alive brings me to the realization that as an emperor I was being far too soft. But now I will rip you to shreds without a moments hesitation!"

Jonathan looked angry as he shot back, "I could say the same, I will feel no hint of guilt for your death!"

Dio smirked, "JoJo" Jonathan looked over at him warily as Dio continued. "Whatever happened to that mustachioed charlatan of yours? You seemed to have lost him." His voice held no ounce of actual interest, only amusement.

Now Dio had expected JoJo to be the one to blow up in anger and was surprised to hear your voice instead, "Dio you bastard! I hope your death is painful!"

Well well, it seems his darling wife was quite unhappy with him, but then again that seemed to be a continuous pattern today. He sighed in exhaustion, this day had started out horribly and it looked like it was going to end so as well.

He was a little bit mad at himself for bringing the dead man up now, he'd only meant to cause JoJo pain but it seems you too had cared for him. That was certainly regrettable but he figures in time you'll come to forgive him for all of the actions he has done and all the ones he will do. Contrary to what you believe he did in fact take his vows very seriously as well, he had only messed with that girl in order to make you jealous enough to proclaim your love to him and have some fun. But his plan had backfired spectacularly and not only had he been humiliated in front of you by that damnable girl, but now you wanted nothing to do with him and had decided you were leaving. Not that he'd let you of course but it was still pretty upsetting that you wanted to leave him.

Jonathan was just as angry as you were, probably even more so considering everything they'd been through together. "Dio! It shames me as a gentleman but I-" He paused obviously thinking about all those Dio had killed. "To avenge their deaths! Dio I will kill you!"

Dio looked excited, "Heh, Come then JoJo!" He yelled as he waved him over.

And with that said Jonathan charged forward but was stopped suddenly as a hand shot out in front of him. You looked behind you and saw that the others had finally caught up, it sure took them awhile and you were starting to wonder if they were really fit to take out Dio.

You all had different expressions on your faces, Speedwagon had a mix of fear and determination, Jonathan had a mix of sadness and resolve, yours held nothing. You weren't going to let any of them see how you felt at the moment, you were on the brink of horrifying sadness, no matter who won here tonight you were going to lose someone important and so for you there really was no winning. You looked over at the other three people, the ones you were unfamiliar with and saw all three wore looks of resolution, it almost seemed as if this was an annoying job that needed to be taken care of. Honestly you assumed that was most likely exactly what this was to them, an inconvenient and annoying job. You felt somewhat offended for your husband though, after all he was a lot bigger threat then you think these people realized. You were brought out of your observations as you watched the man who had introduced himself as 'Dire' stop Jonathan and you were confused as to why.

Well you were until you remembered that these were the Baron's friends, then you figured he was probably out for revenge himself.

You focused your attention back to Dio and watched confused at the displeased look on his face. He looked around seemingly surprised as he took in the sight of his 'lovely wife' surrounded by his enemies. Well that simply wouldn't do, he did want you to catch their idiocy obviously it was spreading. He looked at the group of people that seemed to have multiplied since he'd last seen them. He quickly grabbed you and moved back to his spot with you now in his arms, you were dazed and confused, you nor any of the others had seen him move.

You looked up to see him grinning wickedly at you and you start to struggle and try to get out of his arms. It doesn't work of course, not even a little, your pathetic attempts to flee or attack him are completely in vain and it doesn't take long before you've completely worn yourself out and can do nothing but lay there anyway.

Dio notices you've stopped resisting and his grin widens as he starts to taunt your friends.

"It would seem she has worn herself out, if we are going to battle, we'd best do it quickly. I wouldn't want my dearest wife to have to sleep uncomfortably, shall we get this over with?" He sounded so cocky and arrogant that you wanted to wipe that smirk off his face yourself. Not to mention now all of your friends knew you were married to this jerk, you could only hope they didn't think too badly of you.

Dio's powers were beyond what they had been, he'd been practicing and figuring out what all he could do, and while he hadn't quite figured it all out yet, he was definitely a force to be reckoned with and he was starting to doubt that these insects could amuse him. You were an exception, he was actually rather fond of you and was somewhat glad that you hadn't left yet. He still had time to charm you again, he had no doubt that with a little 'persuasion' you'd forget that whole incident earlier and he'd be a lot more careful in the future about messing with you. But before he can do any of that he needed to dispatch this group of troublesome worms. His grip on you tightened unconsciously as he stared them down.

"Dio! Release her at once! Your quarrel is with me, leave (Y/n) alone!" Jonathan yelled as he glared at Dio in fury. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the whole 'wife' thing yet but he knew he had to get you away from him.

When he realized Dio had ignored him he made to move forward but was stopped by Dire who had once again shot his arm out halting JoJo.

Dire glared ahead at Dio as he told Jonathan to stay back. "I have the right to take my revenge first, Zeppeli was a good friend of mine for twenty years!"

Dire's expression turned furious as he was most likely thinking about his dead friend. "Hey Dio! I, Dire, shall send you to the depths of hell!" Dire yelled as he started to walk towards him.

Jonathan looked worried, "Stop Dire! Dio has a hidden ability you don't know about!" He yelled trying to warn him about Dio being able to freeze things.

Dire didn't seem to care though and just continued to walk forward.

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now