Part 30: Farewell the Final Chapter

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"No" That was the only thing you could think.

"No...No!!! Dio!!!" Without thinking you ran forward. He wasn't dead...He was going to be fine...You couldn't live without him so he couldn't die!!

You whispered a quiet goodbye and took one last look at your friends before giving them a gentle smile as you jumped off the balcony, you had been so quick that it had taken them a while to register what had just happened. As you began to fall you heard two voices (you assumed it was probably Jonathan and Speedwagon), they yelled out to you "(Y/n)!"

You didn't answer, you knew this was going to be rough for everyone but you couldn't let Dio die. When you'd started this you had thought you'd been prepared but no, this was different...If this was such a good thing then why did it hurt so much? Why did you jump?....Why did you still love him so much?

As you were plummeting to your certain death you noticed Dio wasn't that far from you. You dive down faster in order to reach him and as soon as he's within arms reach you grab him, all that was left was his head but you didn't care. That was enough. You pull him to you and hold him tightly to your chest as you let out a sigh of relief. Dio was safe, you were definitely going to die, but at least Dio might survive and that was all that mattered now.

You heard a muffled sound coming from the head and held it out just enough so he could speak. "(Y/n)! You fool! Why did you follow after me?! You imbecile you're going to die!" He sounded panicked and confused. You give him a tender smile "I love you Dio, I just can't live without you so I'm going to die with you, hopefully my body will make your death less painful or you might even survive. I don't know why I'm going to such lengths for you but I felt like the world was okay whenever I was with you. I feel content with this ending, I feel like this is how it's supposed to be." You're silent for a moment before you feel tears streaming down your face. "If you survive this, I want you to remember me ok? I want you to remember that somebody truly loved you and even when I'm gone know that my feelings will never change, I'll be watching over you always." And with that you felt your body hit the ground and heard a sickening crunch and as your consciousness was fading you could have sworn you'd heard somebody scream your name then you were plunged into darkness.

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now