Part 2: Dio makes his move

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(Y/n) POV:

Walking back home after having spent most of the day with your best friend Jonathan Joestar your thoughts drifted to all the fun things you and he had done that day. You had gone swimming, you had played around climbing in trees, and you had even done your homework together. The latter of course not being as fun but was made exponentially better by having the company.

It was usually like this but for you it never seemed to get old and you were pretty sure Jonathan felt the same.

You were so lost in your thoughts of how much fun you'd had that you hadn't noticed someone trailing behind you. The way that you normally go had been closed off due to an accident of some sort so you had decided to take a slightly different route. The only problem with this one was that it was longer and had a lot less people nearby, but you didn't mind, in fact you welcomed the peace. Not to mention the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. Rows and rows of trees blooming with brightly colored flowers littered the way and you couldn't help but think that you had to show Jonathan tomorrow.

Your peaceful walk didn't last long though as you were suddenly slammed up against a one of the trees. You groaned in pain before looking up to see your assailant and were surprised to see Dio. "What are you-" You were cut off as he put a hand over your mouth and slid one of his legs between yours as he used his other hand to pin both of yours above you against the tree. You weren't sure of his intentions but you knew enough about him to know that whatever he had planned wasn't going to end pleasantly.

You glared at him as he leaned in and that was when you realized what he was going to do. You immediately started panicking. There was no way in hell you were going to let this guy take your first kiss! That was something sacred and you wanted it to be with your crush not this jerk. So right as he was mere inches from your lips you head butt him. He lets go of you in surprise and stumbles back. Even though he's even more pissed now he also secretly admires you. After all it takes courage to do something like that to him of all people.

You know you don't have much time to get away and start running as fast as you can. Thankfully being the heiress to the (L/n) fortune you've been trained for situations similar to this like being kidnapped or something. You ran for about 15 minutes before finally managing to make it back to the Joestar mansion. After that it hadn't taken you long to find Jonathan.

He looks surprised to see you, but immediately notices that something isn't right.

"What is wrong (Y/n)? I thought you had gone home already?" He notices your distress and takes you to his bedroom to talk about it. As you're telling him about how you were headed home but had suddenly been intercepted by Dio you noticed him becoming more and more agitated.

"That's it!!! He's trying to do it again!! I will not lose you as well (Y/n)!! This stops here and now!!!" Jonathan shouted as he made his way to the other side of the room.

"Jonathan wait!! It's fine really, I promise you I can take care of myself I was just a little unnerved is all! You don't need to-" You were cut off as he opened the door.

"I'm sorry, but he has pushed me around long enough, and even so I can live with that, but this time (Y/n) he has gone too far!!!" Jonathan yelled as he slammed the door shut and made his way down to confront Dio.

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now