Part 27: Dire's Resolve

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Everyone looked back at Dio to see you nestled comfortably against his chest as he looked down at you fondly before coming back up to glare in hatred at the group of humans in front of him. As Dire approached him he figured you'd be in the way and he didn't really want you hurt so he decided to put you over on the nearest couch and would deal with you once this was finished.

He turned back to face Dire who was still approaching but at an oddly slow pace. As you looked though there seemed to be multiple afterimages of him as he walked forward. Dio looked surprised but only for a moment, "Ah now that's an interesting walk, apparently after decades of the proper training mere humans can enable themselves to float through the air." Then he smiled wickedly as he gloated, "But in only a single night I have surpassed all super humans of this world!" Just as Dio finished, Dire started to slowly float up into the air and you couldn't help but be confused as he gradually put his leg out into a kick aimed at Dio. You were unsure as to what Dire was thinking, he didn't think he could beat him like that right?

Apparently Dio thought the same as you as he started laughing at the man, "You think you can defeat me with such slow movements?! As if you were sleepwalking?!"

Dio put his arms out to catch him and you figured it was going to be over soon and turned away. Your head quickly snapped back though as you watched Dire unexpectedly put both his legs out, catching Dio by surprise and forced him to spread his arms leaving the vampire defenseless. He quickly put his arms into a X shape and filled them with Hamon as he went in to strike him. Dire looked intent as he shouted, "You fell for it fool!"

The others (besides Jonathan) seemed to think that this was going to be it, Dire was going to kill Dio now. You knew better though, your 'husband' was not someone to be taken lightly and you were certain that this was going to end in his favor instead.

You were proven right of course as you observed Dio's reaction, he didn't seem all that worried. It didn't take you long to realize what he was going to do and without delay you abruptly shot up shouting, "No Dire! Get away from him now!" You tried to warn him but you were too late. Dio's eyes flashed murderously in your direction and you flinched and took a step back. He quickly returned his attention to Dire and froze his entire body in only a second, effectively making it so that he could no longer use Hamon.

The tables had turned and it looked like everyone had finally realized it.

Dire looked down at his body in disbelief, "I-I can't move."

Jonathan seemed taken aback, "He-He froze Dire!"

"Dio must have somehow chilled all the moisture in his body at once turning him to ice in an instant. Dire can't control his Hamon, he can't send it into Dio unless his blood is flowing!" Speedwagon explained in distress.

Dire looked at Dio, "How did you do this?" he asked obviously in pain.

"Oh, we are feeble aren't we?" Dio seemed highly amused. "Weakling! You dare think you can lay a finger on ME!" He started laughing as he continued to insult Dire. "You are the one who is going to give up your life like some mongrel! Lets endeavor to give them a good show, shall we?" He said as he tightened his grip on Dire. The others figured out what was going to happen and worriedly started yelling at Dio. "No Dire!" Straizo said in panic. Jonathan's voice soon followed after as he too cried out, "No Dio! Stop!" But the vampire didn't care about their pathetic protests and shattered Dire's body in almost an instant.

The others were in shock and you saw Jonathan flinch and look away. You just hung your head feeling useless, this battle was over...

You raise your head as you hear Dio yell out, "It's time JoJo! You are the next I will dispatch into oblivion!" Then he paused as if he just remembered something before looking over at you, "Ah but first-" In a flash he was beside you; you tried to run back over to Jonathan but you were ultimately to slow and soon found yourself trapped.

Dio had one hand covering your mouth and the other wrapped around your waist, your back was pressed tightly to his chest. You looked over at your companions for help but they knew that if they tried to save you they'd be killed before they could even reach you. Jonathan was the only one who stood a chance and he was still dazed over Dire's death and it would be a moment or two before he could come to your rescue.

Dio leaned down and you could feel his breath brush against his ear, "I know you're still displeased with my previous actions so I'll forgive that foolish act of treachery (You trying to warn Dire) But make no mistake, should you cross me again I shall not be so understanding."

You shuttered as he held you close, you knew that was no empty threat and you slowly nodded your head in compliance. He seemed pleased with that answer, "Good" He purred. He then turned you around so that you were now facing him and gently brushed a strand of hair out of your face. He let his finger trace down the side of your face and stop to cup your cheek, then you felt his lips eagerly descend upon yours.

His eyes darkened and he pulled you to him even more tightly, his tongue licked your lips silently asking for permission, you knew you weren't thinking straight (you never seemed to be when you were around this man) as you let him in. You closed your eyes as he deepened the kiss and it was almost like you were in a battle of your own as your tongues danced together.

It seemed to last forever before you finally realized what you were doing and quickly pulled back. He didn't seem to mind, he got what he'd wanted and was satisfied with that for now. You glare at his retreating form as he once again turns to face Jonathan and his little group. He looked smug as he walked back to his previous spot but that went away quickly as his eye was suddenly pierced by a Hamon filled rose.

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