Part 15: Waking Up

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(Y/n) POV:

It had been three weeks since that horrifying night. Three weeks since you had lost the love of your life.

Jonathan had won, he had managed to kill Dio...

You'd be lying if you said you didn't miss him, but knew that Jojo had done the right thing, Dio had apparently been to far gone and you'd just never noticed. He had killed Mr. Joestar, the old man that always welcomed you into his home with nothing short of absolute warmth and kindness. But for some reason you just couldn't get that last look that he gave you out of your mind.

You had been outside with Speedwagon and for some unknown reason you had gotten up completely ingnoring the voice from behind you telling you to stop as you ran back to get inside the mansion. But just as you were about to go in (the flames were already burning you even from where you were, but you were to focused on getting in to fully feel it yet) you saw Dio through the window as he burned with the rest of the house, but before the flames blocked your view you saw his eyes glance over at you briefly and it had almost looked like he'd been surprised, then his expression softened, and then suddenly he gave you the most evil look you had ever seen almost like he was promising he'd be back. You had glared right back in challenge and mouthed 'I'll be waiting', then the flames blocked your view and you were thrown back harshly landing a few yards away. You had hit your head pretty hard when you fell and so the last thing you remembered was watching the mansion that you had loved so much and had so many fond memories in burning and no doubt taking both your closest friend and your love down with it, then everything faded to black.

You had woken up incredibly surprised and confused, you had absolutely no idea where you were 'though this situation seems familiar' you thought amused as you remembered waking up at the mansion after you had fallen asleep on Dio.

But then everything came back, Dio being exposed, Mr. Joestar dying, Dio getting shot, him coming back, the fire, everything. It was almost to much for you as you fell out of the bed onto the floor, you had lost them, you couldn't believe it... It hurt so much as you cried out in agony, yes your burns (which you now very much so felt) hurt (as well as all your other horrible injuries), but it wasn't those that made you feel like this, it was the fact that you had just lost so much in such a short amount of time and you couldn't handle it.

As you were on the floor clutching your chest in agony, you didn't notice that the door had opened and someone was standing there until you heard a cough. Your head flew up and your eyes immediately locked onto Speedwagon. Once you realized it was just him you calmed down and gave the man a shaky smile, though you tried but failed to make it even somewhat convincing.

"(Y/n), I'm glad you're awake! We've been pretty worried you know! Especially Jonathan, as soon as he had woken up he had immediately wanted to know if you were alright. Of course I told him you were fine, but you had hit your head pretty hard there girly, it made my job pretty difficult you know." He gave you a mischievous smile as he said that last part.

You just stared at him in shock, 'Jonathan was still alive?!' You felt your heart lighten a little at the news that your best friend was still with you. You quickly got up only to fall back down again, your body felt a lot weaker than you had realized. You saw Speedwagon flinch as you hit the ground, you let out a small gasp. You had completely forgotten about your injuries as crazy as that sounds.

"Mr. Speedwagon, I'm afraid I might need your assistance, it would seem that my body isn't quite healed yet." He looked at you for a moment before hurrying over to you. "Of course, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking. It stands to reason that you might be having a bit of trouble, after all you have been asleep for three weeks now, and your bones are still in pretty bad shape."

He said as he helped you get back into the bed, he was careful to avoid your injuries as he gently laid you back down. (A/N: I have a friend who really likes Speedwagon so I decided to put him in a few small parts here and there as an 'interest' of sorts, but you definitely aren't going to end up with him or anything. R.I.P Speedwagon, one of the most kind and loyal characters...still died single.)

You were suddenly hit with an enormous amount of gratitude, for you knew that if this man had not been here you would have surely perished. Three weeks was an incredible amount of time to you, you almost couldn't believe it.

You gave him a thankful look as he made sure you were comfortable, but then you remembered you had a few questions for him. "Hey, where is Jonathan? Is he doing alright?" Speedwagon gave you a look of what looked like sympathy as he told you about Erina and how she had been attending to Jonathan this entire time and that they looked to be very close.

You didn't know what to feel really, to be honest you felt a mix of emotions you were definitely surprised that Erina was back, though you felt a stab of betrayal at the thought of how close she and Jonathan had gotten once again, but you also felt grateful to her. You knew he had had feelings for you, but you also knew that you couldn't return them, your heart regrettably belonged to a dead man.

Dio Brando had pushed his way so deeply into your heart that you truly feared that you could never be with anyone else. His death was really hard on you, because even though you knew that Jonathan had no choice but to kill him it still hurt, and even though he did horrible things, you still felt connected to him in a way that you weren't sure if anyone else could understand.

"Mr. Speedwagon, I'm am extremely grateful to you for helping me all this time, I sincerely hope that some day I could somehow pay you back for your kindness, I owe you my life."

He looked surprised for a moment before giving you a small smile. "Please call me Robert, and it was my pleasure to help an amazing woman such as yourself, and you don't need to pay me back in anyway, you had saved me back in the mansion from that creature remember? We are most certainly even now." You brightened a little at that, you knew he was trying to cheer you up a little.

Suddenly you started to feel incredibly tired, it was rather odd seeing as you had just woken up from your three weeks of rest, but you couldn't help it as your eyes started to close. "I'm sorry Mr. S-Robert" you had to correct yourself "but I'm afraid I'm feeling rather tired again, if it wouldn't be to much trouble could you possibly stay here until I wake up? I know it's a rather ridiculous thing of me to ask of you, but I feel like I would sleep better knowing someone was there for me when I wake up. I don't want to feel alone..." Your voice faded into a whisper as you said that last part. You were finding it increasingly difficult to keep your eyes open.

"Now how can I refuse a lady when she asks so sincerely like that?" Speedwagon sighed as he pulled one of the chairs from the other side of the room and put it near the bed. "Thank you." You said as you finally closed your eyes and fell into a dreamless slumber.

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