Part 18: Shall We Dance

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(A/N: Here's the ballroom scene just like I promised awhile back, I enjoyed writing it and I hope you all like it. Thank you ArondaMiller for the idea and letting me use it, you're awesome girl!)

It's been three days since you'd met Baron Zeppeli and learned that Dio was still alive. Since then the Baron had been teaching both you and Jonathan about Hamon, it was incredible and you wanted to learn it right away as soon as you saw what it could do. Apparently though since you weren't a natural talent like Jonathan and it would take you years to control it and unfortunately you didn't have that kind of time. So instead you just had to train like a normal person and use these three days to get back in shape a little and practice on what you already knew. Thankfully while you may not be able to control Hamon you were still an incredible fighter, you were able to easily pick up everything you were taught. You had been good to start with but while you'd been staying with Dio he had taken it upon himself to teach you new techniques and now you could focus on honing those skills and hope for the best.

You were determined to not be a hindrance while on this quest, no you were going to be a strong ally that your companions could rely on. You had surpassed Speedwagon from the very beginning, you were a little over what Dio's strength and abilities had been while he'd been human. You assumed since you hadn't let yourself get out of shape anyway while you were injured that it made it easier for you to keep going and you always pushed yourself to your limit while you were hurt and even more so these past three days. You were now confident you could at least take down some of the lower class zombie things that Baron Zeppeli had told you about. If only you'd been this strong that night when Dio had turned, you could have at least protected Speedwagon and yourself from that zombie police officer a lot better and maybe you'd have been able to train even harder. But you knew you needed to stop thinking like that, the past is in the past all you could do now was move forward, dwelling on things that you can't change will only bring about misery and you didn't need anymore of that, no you needed to be strong now.

Time skip to that night:

You didn't want to do this, you don't know why you had agreed, this was stupid and a complete waste of time that could be spent training. You hated this but you had promised you'd go and you weren't someone who broke their word, so you would just have to soldier through this.

You looked on your bed only to see that the dress Speedwagon had sent you was gone, it was quite weird because in its place was a different more breathtaking one. You assumed Speedwagon had probably either liked this one better and had impulsively gotten it or Jonathan knowing your taste in clothing had known you wouldn't like the first dress and had left this one instead. Either way you were thrilled you didn't have to parade around in a gigantic ugly frilly green dress, no this one was perfect and you'd have to remember to thank whoever had given it to you later (A/N: I kind of want to leave what the dress looks like to your imagination, I just think it just feels more personalized that way).

You immediately slipped on the dress, did your hair, makeup, then put on your shoes and you were ready to go. Conveniently your date was waiting for you right outside the room and you both walked downstairs to join the party.

An hour into the party:

You were leaning up against the wall in a corner trying to make yourself seem as small and uninteresting as possible. You wanted to avoid talking to anyone and everyone if at all possible.

Your 'hosts' had failed to mention this was a masquerade ball and so you were even more embarrassed because you were the only one without a mask. Apparently Speedwagon was able to snatch a guy one from someone but you were unable to find a spare one for yourself.

Yes you had asked Speedwagon to be your 'date' for the night, you didn't want to send the guy mixed signals but you knew neither Jonathan nor Erina were going to let you go by yourself, and Speedwagons company was a million times better that some random stranger one of them would have surely tried to set you up with.

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