Part 7: Doubt

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As we arrived he was still holding my hand in his as he told me to take a seat on the couch while he goes to off to inform the servants that I will be staying for a little while.

After some time had passed I see him walk back through the ornately decorated doors and sit down in the comfortable chair across from me. It looks as though he changed out of whatever he was wearing before into a crisp white shirt tucked into his black pants. All in all he was a beautiful man, even you couldn't deny that but you couldn't afford to get distracted right now, not while he still under question. You wholeheartedly believed your best friend and no matter how good looking this man was you weren't going to let your guard down.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?"

You snapped out of you thoughts and stared at him quizzically before realizing you'd been staring. "Yes sorry I'm fine, was just a little lost in thought that's all."

His eyes hardened but he just gave a small smile and nodded. "Alright then, I've informed the servants to tell your father where you are and the cooks are preparing our dinner as we speak. Now that that's all done, I'd like to discuss what's been bothering you? And don't you dare say it's nothing, you've been acting awfully odd since I ran into you on your way here, and you've staring at me since I came back into the room."

You froze unable to think of anything to say, it wasn't like you could tell him what was actually bothering you, that would be betraying Jonathan, so instead you said the first thing that came to your mind.

"Um, would you believe it's because I find you incredibly attractive?"

He looked shocked for a moment before he suddenly burst out laughing which was quite weird to see from the normal completely composed blond.

Once he was done he was suddenly at your side, you froze, you hadn't even seen him move. Then with no time at all he was on top of you, he'd pinned your arms above your head and leaned down to your ear. "Whilst I am incredibly charming, I do not believe that is what's been bothering you..." He brushed a strand of your hair back and got so close you could feel the heat radiating from his body, you suddenly couldn't breathe as he said his next words.

"If you don't want to tell me that's fine, I'll just play a little guessing game then." He paused for a moment. "It's Jonathan isn't it? He's who you really fancy, and I'm willing to bet he's told you I'm some sort of monster who poisoned our father, am I right?" You tried to get up, to run, to do anything, but you were stuck. Apparently Dio had gotten a lot stronger than when you had been children, in terms of brute strength there was no way you could even compete anymore. He obviously noticed the look of terror and realization on your face because he gave you a gentle smile before getting up off of you and returning to his chair.

"Your silence is answer enough, I'm not surprised though, Jonathan was way to quick to make assumptions, I just wish I'd known he was leaving. Unfortunately for him I didn't get the chance to warn him about how dangerous it is over in that area. Whilst I grew up there and would be able to take care of myself should I run into anything troublesome, Jonathan did not and probably won't survive."

You were absolutely horrified, there was absolutely no way that Jonathan was dead, you refused to even entertain such an idea. "You're wrong! There's no way Jonathan could die so simply!" You probably looked raving mad, but you didn't care, you were sure Jonathan was going to come back to you safe and sound.

Dio looked furious for a split second, before giving you a pitying look. "Now dear (Y/n), don't be like that, I know you were good friends with my brother" he looked like he almost couldn't even say the word "but I'm sure he wouldn't want you to be sad or anything. If it makes you feel any better, I'll give you my word that you'll be well cared for until he returns hm?"

In that moment Dio looked so sincere that you couldn't help but start crying. You barely even noticed that he'd gotten up until you felt his arms around you as you were pressed against his chest. You would never admit it, but his presence was comforting in a way, and you slowly felt yourself falling to sleep.

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now