Part 5: It begins again

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Time Skip:

7 years have passed since then and Jonathan and Dio seemed to be getting along fairly well now. Dio had even apologized for his previous behavior.

You still don't trust him to much but you figured that since there hadn't been any incidents since that fight, that you could put the past behind you. You didn't hate him but you couldn't say you particularly liked him either, though ever since that time in the museum you haven't felt creeped out by him but you were still unsure (A/N: the museum scene is from the side stories).

Today was one of those days that you had decided to go and visit Jonathan, you guys still hung out a lot and were the closest of friends.

Once you got there you could hear muffled yelling and as you opened the door you are greeted with the sight of Jonathan throwing Dio off the second floor. You immediately rush in without thinking and started to check on him to make sure he was alright. He doesn't look to badly injured, but by the looks of how he landed he may have broken an arm. As you continue looking over him you realize it could have been a lot worse if Dio hadn't fallen the way he did.

"Jojo! Get the hell down here and explain yourself!" You yell up at Jonathan. You start to stand back up but startle as you feel a hand pull you back down. "Dio!" Apparently he had regained consciousness as you were yelling at Jonathan.

You tried to pull your arm back, but his grip only tightened in response. For some reason though you didn't actually feel threatened and you really only felt a tiny bit of annoyance at this.

You let out a sigh and watched as he slowly sits up. "Dio, I'm going to need to ask for my arm back please." You say sternly but not unkindly as you gave him a small smile. He immediately looks down at the hand grabbing your arm and his eyes widen in realization. He quickly lets go and apologizes, but you just wave it off and tell him it's alright.

As you both get up, you turn back and glare up at Jonathan still waiting for his reply.

"You misunderstand (Y/n), it was Dio!!! He's the reason father hasn't been getting any better!!!"

You're confused, you just thought Mr. Joestar had gotten horribly ill and had assumed he hadn't been getting better because they wouldn't take him to a hospital. You hadn't even suspected Dio for a second, he seemed like such a decent guy nowadays that the thought had never even crossed your mind. You still weren't fully convinced that Dio had been the cause though. He hadn't shown any ill intent for anyone since you had all been children.

"I'm going to take Dio to his room, for now just calm down and I'll be back in a minute so that you can explain what you mean." You helped Dio up and walked with him to his room, you wanted to make sure he didn't have a concussion or something, he looked a little shaken up but otherwise fine but you wanted to make sure.

You walked in silence before finally making it to his room. Dio opened the door then started to walk in but stopped once you made a move to go in the opposite direction. He grabbed your hand quickly before you moved out of reach then mumbled so quietly you almost hadn't heard him, "Thank you (Y/n)."

He watched your eyes widen in surprise then you shot him a bright smile, "You're welcome" then walked away back to Jonathan.

Jonathan POV:

Once he was done explaining he looked at your expression then sighed. It was clear to him that he'd need real evidence to convince you. He knew you still weren't sure where you stood with Dio, you still felt uneasy around him but you honestly thought he'd changed. He also realized he'd need something to turn into the authorities so that they'd arrest Dio anyway so he decided right then and there what needed to be done.

He looked you dead in the eye as he told you what he was going to do.

"I'm leaving (Y/n), I'll be back in a few days with evidence of his crimes. Just promise me you'll be the one to take the medicine to my father each day until I am back. Please (Y/n).... I'm certain Dio is poisoning father, and I've already proven it through his actions earlier. I know that since you and father were not there that you will need more proof to believe that what I am saying is true. I promise I'll be back soon, just please keep my father safe until then ok?"

You looked unsure for a moment before speaking. "Jonathan, I believe you.... in all the years I've known you, you haven't lied to me once about anything and I'd be a fool to not take your words into consideration. I give you my word that I will care for your father while you are away and I'll keep an eye on Dio to make sure he isn't plotting anything else."

Jonathan looks relieved. "Thank you (Y/n)." 

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