Part 4: We settle this here!

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You briefly glance over at Jonathan worried but you know he'll be fine so you shift into your fighting stance.

So far you had only fought with your instructor, mostly because you tried your best not to let anyone know that you even could.

You're father had once told you that if the other nobles found out then your chances of finding a suitable husband would decrease greatly, and it was because of that your parents had forbid you to fight unless it was a life or death situation. You supposed this was technically a life situation so it probably counted right? Well it was too late to back out now, and there was absolutely no way you were throwing this fight, there was way to much at stake for you to lose here.

Now focused again you looked over to see Dio watching you intently. "Well it would seem I've won. Now then my little (Y/n), time for your end of the deal, I promise I'll go easy on you." His eyes softened very briefly as he smirked at you. You got up and gave him a small smile. "Don't hold back, I'm definitely not going to make this easy for you." And with that said you threw the first punch. He easily blocked and playfully hit your shoulder, you decided to get serious and responded back by giving him a sidekick to his ribs.

You both cringed as you heard a crack, then you just stared at each other for minute. His entire demeanor changed almost instantly and that smile he had while fighting Jonathan was back on his face. You jumped back as he threw a punch towards your stomach. "Tsk Tsk (Y/n) I honestly didn't think you were going to be a challenge. Who knew you were keeping such a secret? I understand though, if this got out I'm sure things would get quite difficult for you would they not?" You had a feeling you knew where this was going and you quickly regretted that you and Jonathan had ever agreed to this. Dio dodged under your leg as you kicked at his head, it was starting to get on your nerves just how quick he was, not only that but it seems he wasn't done talking yet.

"How's about this then, if I win I'll tell people and we'll see where that goes. In the unfortunate event that it would lead to a decrease in suitors I shall take responsibility and take your hand myself." Suddenly he charged forward and now held both your hands behind your back as he leaned in next to your ear. "I think our union would be quite fortuitous don't you? I will be the one to inherit the Joestar fortune and I'm sure we could figure something out with you."

With that said he let you go and threw another punch towards your face. You just glared at him and dodged. That was it! You'd had enough! This arrogant prick keeps trying to hurt Jojo through you, and you've had just about enough of it! As you were about to tell him off you see Jonathan start to get back up. Just as he's almost standing he ends up falling back down again.

You dodge under one of Dio's kicks and rush over to his side.

"(Y/n), I want you to know that I would be more than happy to have you as my wife. If Dio really does tell everyone, then you can be with me. I care greatly for you and do not wish to see you suffer because of your association with me. I just.... I just don't ever want you to think that Dio is your only option." Jonathan told you while grasping your hand gently.

Dio POV:

He was thoroughly enraged now. He had proposed to you on a whim, but that oaf Jojo had decided to foolishly butt in and play hero. He was slightly envious that you favored Jojo so much more than him but he figured he could change that with time. No what really got to him was that Jonathan had dared stake his own claim right after he had.

(Y/n) POV:

You noticed Dio seemed somewhat upset, but ignored him in favor of checking over Jonathan.

All of a sudden out of the corner of your eye you see him move to pull out his knife and he angrily charges towards Jojo.

You didn't even think about it you just acted and before you had even realized it you had delivered a serious blow to Dio's head and knocked him unconscious.

Realizing what you had just done, you back away. You aren't exactly sure what you're supposed to do now, but you figure it's probably best that you leave. So you grab Jonathan and tell him that you'd think about his proposal and tell him your answer maybe when you guys were a little older.

You actually couldn't care less what happened to Dio and so you just left him lying there. You figured he could find his way back easily enough, it wasn't like you guys had gone very far. You had won the fight technically so you were curious as to if Dio would actually keep his word.

You ended up helping Jonathan back to the mansion then noticed it was getting dark and decided it was time to go ahead and head home yourself.

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now