Part 10 The Storm:

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Dio's POV:

"It's over Dio."


"I'm back, and I have brought with me proof of your horrid schemes."

Dio's face briefly showed surprise before he went back to his usual calm.

'So I'm cornered... Tch, no matter I still won't run away. Running would only ensure my guilt, there's a chance I might still be able to get out of this.'

"I've found an antidote and I've already given it to father"

That did surprise him a bit, this would possibly be more trouble than he had originally thought.

"Dio I'm sorry it has to be like this, we were raised as brothers and even though you probably don't believe it, I truly didn't wish for this. But I have no choice, I have to turn you over to the police."

'This is going to be rather annoying, but let's see how long we can keep this little act up.'

"Jonathan, you know what I've done yet you still act so kindly towards me. I'm not deserving of your kindness."

He felt like he was going to be sick saying those words, he really hated JoJo, but he needed to keep this up if his plan was going to work.

"I'm sorry JoJo but I have one last request. Please give me a little time, please let me turn myself in. I know I have done wrong. My childhood wasn't a happy one and because I had nothing I grew greedy. I feel so horrible for poisoning the man that took me in and tried to steal his fortune." Dio started crying. "My returning here is proof that I want to turn myself in, if I had wanted to run you would have never seen me again!"

'He was supposed to be dead, so then why isn't he?' Dio was smart, he knew not to let his true emotions show, if he did then everything would be ruined. So outwardly he started pretending he felt absolutely horrible and promised that he would turn himself in. His plan was to get JoJo close enough so that he could stab him with the knife that he had kept hidden.

Dio figured the tears would catch Jonathan off guard and he was right. Jonathan started to move to go towards him and Dio griped the knife waiting for just the right moment to strike.

Suddenly another voice joined in. "Careful, Jonathan. Don't trust a word that man says." Then he lit a match finally showing his face.

Dio didn't expect this at all, he thought they were alone, this mans presence complicated things.

"Who are you?" It took all of Dio's self control not to snarl at the man.

The man looked casual as he answered, "Who am I you ask? Well allow me to introduce my self." He flicked the match and the flame went out, then he tossed it and went back to talking. "I am Robert E. O. Speedwagon, I was worried about Jonathan here so I decided to come back with him."

The man then continued to accuse Dio of being the worst of the worst, saying he was pure evil and things like that.

He wasn't really paying to much attention, he was more focused on what his next move would be.

(Y/n) POV:

You were hiding behind a pillar once again, if this weren't such a serious situation you would have laughed. Years ago you had done the same thing while spying on Jonathan and Dio, and now here you were again.

The reason you were here in the first place was because Jonathan wanted you to see Dio how he truly is.

It had started that very morning when Jonathan came through those doors. You had a painful expression on your face as you asked him if he had found anything. Your heart dropped when he nodded his head and pointed to the two people behind him (Speedwagon and Wang Chen).

After that Jonathan didn't tell you anything and insisted that you would understand when Dio got back. He had called the police and apparently told them what had happened and they all set up this plan to get Dio to confess and then they'd take him to prison.

You guys waited for awhile, but you were used to waiting for Dio to come back anyway so you just hid behind a pillar and opened your book and continued to read.

That was pretty much all that happened, and now you were here, waiting for Dio's confession. It came sooner than you'd expected, he just flat out admitted he poisoned Mr. Joestar and tried to steal the family fortune from Jonathan. As soon as Speedwagon stepped in you knew things were coming to a close, but it still hurt you to see Dio like this. You decided it was time to reveal yourself as well and stepped out from behind the pillar and into the light.

You were staring at Dio and he was at you, you tried to understand how this had all happened, you were with him the whole time.

As you thought about it you came to horrifying realization....Dio had always been with you when you went to give Mr. Joestar his medicine.

"Dio how could you?" Just those soft spoken words from your mouth made him feel absolutely horrible, and apparently that wasn't all you had to say. "I trusted you! How could you?! Damn it Dio I even lov-" you were suddenly cut off by Jonathan who had a very pained look on his face. "(Y/n), I know this must be difficult for you, I don't know what happened while I was gone but it is apparent that you two had become close in my absence. While I may have had mixed feelings about this, I have come to the conclusion that non of this is your fault whatsoever, he played you just like he played the rest of us. You were the one person I wanted to protect, but it would seem I have failed, and for that I am so sorry (Y/n).... But I will do what I can now, because there is nothing that can be done about the past and I would like to have a future with you in it smiling and laughing like you always do, I never want to see the look on your face as it is now ever again. I will protect that smile that I loved so much!"

You didn't know what to say, you were shocked and confused. This was probably not the best time for Jonathan to confess his love for you, but he is a very 'in the moment' type of person. You tried to force a smile at him but it only came out as a weak twitch as tears flowed freely down your face. And then, just as Dio had done before, Jonathan hugged you pulling you gently into his embrace.

You were grateful, you didn't want Dio to know just how much this had affected you. Your thoughts started to drift as you stopped crying, you couldn't help but notice the differences between Jonathan and Dio.

Jonathan was warm but not like Dio had been. Jonathan was trying to be very gentle with you, almost as if you would break at the slightest touch, whereas Dio had held you too him as if you were going to leave at any time. You didn't want Jonathan or Dio to know just how deeply you had fallen for the blonde.

You didn't want to hurt Jonathan, and you didn't want to know how Dio felt because now there was no way you two could possibly be together. So you gently pushed Jonathan away and gave him a small smile, then went back over to lean on the pillar to watch the rest of this with your heart silently breaking.

Dio's POV:

He was surprised as he watched you come out of the dark. He supposed he should have known that Jonathan would have you here, if for nothing else but to destroy whatever good image of him she had in her mind.

'Damn!' He had expected to tell you how he felt today, but as luck would have it that annoying brat had to arrive alive and well and ruined everything.

He heard your words and surprisingly felt a little bit of what he thought might be guilt.

He was somewhat upset that things had turned out this way, after all you were supposed to be his...

And now look at you, allowing that trash to put his filthy hands on you.

He had the sudden overwhelming urge to kill Jonathan where he stood. He always wanted to kill him but never had he wanted someone dead as much as he did right then. It was really hard for him to continue acting at this point but he wasn't about to let everything he worked so hard for be for nothing.

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now