Part 9: The Mask

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A/N: This part is a little darker than the others so far, just a warning. This is the part when Dio realizes what the mask can do, so it's a little violent.

Dio's POV:

He had left the mansion hours ago and now he was just roaming the streets with a bottle of alcohol in hand. He felt disgusted with himself as he put the bottle to his mouth and started drinking.

'Damn it all! Look at me, walking around nothing but a drunken fool! Just like my damnable father!' He knew he needed to stop, he was starting to become more and more agitated the more he drank, the problem was he couldn't.

'If (Y/n) saw me like this I wonder what she'd say' He paused for a moment. 'Probably some nonsense about how I was a fool to even start and that I needed help.'

He started to think more about it and realized that's probably not what you'd actually say. He started walking again (if you could even call it that, it was more a trying to stay up walk). Truthfully he figured you would actually most likely try to either join with him in his addiction or help him yourself. He couldn't help but smile a little when he thought of you, he had noticed that not only were you beautiful, but your were also quite pleasant to be around.

You were interesting, not at all like the other girls (though he'd known that for awhile) he fondly remembered the time many years ago that he had tried to kiss you to hurt JoJo and you promptly head butted him. That was when he first started liking you, and time and time again you had proved to be more and more entertaining.

He then recalled another incident that had happened while you were children, he hated to admit it even now, but you had fought well that day and defeated him. Not that it overly mattered now, he was so much stronger, should you ever fight him again you would not win.

But he also knew that you would sure as hell try, and that was just another thing he liked about you, you were so strong willed.

He also remembered that you hadn't answered neither Jonathan's nor his proposals, you had said that you would think about it and would tell Jonathan your answer when we were older.

Back then you had completely brushed him off in favor of JoJo and of course he was the only one you had even considered. Granted he knew he hadn't made the greatest first impression, but now things were different. Now you were in his grasp, and he had actually fallen for you even more than he'd care to admit, the time you had spent together while you were (and still are) staying at the mansion with him had made him understand you a little bit more. He could tell you liked him as well but he wasn't sure just how well yet, but he figured he had time, Jonathan was probably lying dead in some ally by now and with him gone you didn't really have anyone else to go to but him.

He did start to have second thoughts though, 'What if that fool JoJo had actually found the apothecary?', 'What if he's still alive?', 'If he came back what would (Y/n) do?' Thoughts like those plagued his mind until he was once again very displeased and upset. As he was lost in his thoughts of you, he accidentally bumped into an old man, he of course didn't care and kept going, well that is until the old man and his friend decided that they would bother him.

He was annoyed but fine and would have just walked away, but being as drunk as he was he had less and less control on his emotions.

They were talking about how he had 'no respect for his elders' and so on. But the tall old man had really made a mistake by mentioning his father.

Now at any other time he'd be able to reign in his anger, but not at that moment not while he was like this. So naturally he smashed the bottle he had in his hand into the fat ones face, the man was in obviously in pain and freaking out over his now destroyed mouth. He didn't care in the slightest though, but the mans friend sure did as he then threatened Dio and pulled out a rather sharp looking knife. This again didn't faze him in the slightest as he baited the man with his usual cynical sarcasm. It was then he decided then that he may as well use the mask on this man as a sort of test run in case JoJo did somehow return alive. Just as the man rushed at him with the knife aimed to kill, Dio brought out the mask from underneath his coat and dodged the knife and shoved the mask onto the mans face. He continued running with the man still wearing the mask in his hand, he had now grabbed the knife and rushed forward slashing the fat old mans neck, who of course had been screaming and begging (well at least as best he could, Dio had really messed up the guys mouth), and then he let the blood spurt out onto the stone mask. After that he let go and watched, after all he had actually been somewhat excited to see if this thing worked, but was sorely disappointed when all it did was flash a little then puncture the mans head with its stone spikes and that was it the man was now dead.

Dio was not happy, he was hoping for a little more then that. He kicked the dead mans head and spit for good measure. "Tch, well that was boring" He decided it was time to leave now, (Y/n) was probably waiting for him after all. "I expected more from you mask." As he walked away he sighed, he was tired and disappointed, he reached down to grab his hat and brushed the dirt off, then put it on and was about to be on his way. When he suddenly froze, the dead man was now behind him, he turned around to be sure and was shocked, he had so many thoughts swimming through his head, the main one being 'how?!'.

The man grabbed him as the mask fell of his face revealing an ugly sight, the old man now had a green tint to his skin, his eyes were a strange color, his face was completely different from what it had been, and his teeth were sharp and pointed almost shark like in appearance. As the man reached for him Dio panicked and jumped back quickly running to grab the knife he had buried in the other mans neck. He picked it up while running and quickly turned around to face his opponent. The fight didn't last long at all as the knife pierced through the monsters fingers slicing all the way to his arm, then as Dio tried to get out of the way the monster had hit the wall completely obliterating it, the force of the hit was strong enough to send him flying. He was only stopped as his body hit stone, he looked and noticed the river was right there, if he could just make it a few feet he would be safe. Even though his shoulder was shattered, he knew he had to jump into the river if he was to have any chance of living, so he tried his best to crawl there but wasn't fast enough.

Dio's eyes widened in fear as the monster grabbed him by his neck and dug his fingers into his flesh. He was suddenly in a lot of pain and it appeared the monster seemed to be feeding on his blood, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

He didn't want to die...not yet...he had so many plans, though if he had to the last thing he wanted to see wasn't this damnable sunrise, it was actually your beautiful face.

He briefly wondered how you would take his death. Would you cry? Would you mourn him? And he desperately wanted to at least know if you felt the same way he did.

Unfortunately it didn't look like he would get the chance to ask you, it felt like such a waste to him, all his plans, everything would be for nothing if he died here.

As he was cursing his fate the sun rose higher and the monster killing him screeched horribly and then suddenly disintegrated into dust right before his eyes.

He was in shock, what had just happened?

He didn't know what to make of the situation, so he picked himself up (he was still a little shaky from losing blood) and went over to where the knife and the mask were and took them with him as he told himself he would look into it more once he was back home. The events that just took place really shook him, he needed to think about things a little more and possibly tweak his plans a little.

Small time skip to about 2 hours later:

Dio had gotten his arm bandaged up and hid the knife in there just in case he'd need it and walked back home.

When he got there he opened the doors and immediately noticed there was something wrong. It was dark, he wasn't sure if the storm had knocked out the lights or if it was deliberate, but he was sure that it was much to quiet. He was on edge as he looked around, where were you? Usually you'd be right there in one of the chairs or on the couch reading until he got back, but you were nowhere in sight.

"I'm home!" He shouted but was only greeted with more silence.

Then he noticed a flicker of light and there stood his 'brother'.

Dio could honestly say he hadn't expected him to even be alive let alone back as early as he was. Jonathan didn't look very happy either.

Dio was nervous, 'this was very bad, he could ruin everything if he had actually found evidence of his crimes. He'd lose everything including you, this wasn't good, but there was always the chance that he didn't find anything.'

Jonathan looked him dead in the eye.

"It's over Dio."

Dio x Reader x JonathanWhere stories live. Discover now