Part 21: Fire Burns Brightest In The Dark (LEMON ALERT)

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(A/n: Ok since a lot of you want a lemon I guess I'll take a shot at it. This is my very first attempt at one so I apologize if it's terrible.)

This time when you woke you noticed you were no longer outside but instead you found yourself in a dark room lit only with dim candlelight. You tried to get up but found that you were unable as you were roughly tugged back down by chains.

Suddenly you remembered what had happened, your neck really killed now, Dio was such a prick he didn't have to hit you that hard. You moved around for awhile before realizing there was no escape; you had tried and failed to figure out a way to get rid of the chains and so you had opted to look around at you new surroundings instead.

You seemed to be in what appeared to be a bedroom, there was a king sized bed littered with what you assumed were rose petals (you couldn't really see all that well at the moment) and a bunch of shelves littered the walls each filled to the brim with books. Honestly even if you weren't chained you probably wouldn't escape, you'd go straight to the closest shelf and start reading until you'd gone through every book in the room. Yeah you might have a slight problem...whatever it wasn't like you were the only person who liked to read right? Whatever it didn't matter right now, all that mattered was figuring out what was going to happen to you now. As you were thinking that you heard a deep chuckle come from the darkness and it doesn't take long for Dio to walk out in all his vampiric glory.

"I take it you find the arrangements to your liking?"

You decide that ignoring him was your best option, you didn't particularly feel like having a conversation with your kidnapper. He had been waiting for a reply but having heard none he scowled, "Tch, this will be most unpleasant for you if you remain so uncooperative my dear."

You don't care, you just continue to ignore him and stare at the celling. It seems after another 15 minutes of this he grew tired and decided that enough was enough, if you were so determined to pretend that he didn't exist then he'd just have to fix that then wouldn't he?

The air in the room feels like it's shifted and turned somehow darker and more uncomfortable.

Dio gives you a heated look before walking over and taking hold of your chains. He unlocks them from the wall and pulls you with him over to the bed using them and you notice with horror there's a way to lock them to the bed.

Oh hell no! He wasn't... He couldn't... There was no way he'd actually...

He locks the chains tightly to the bed, you had no chance of escape at the present moment and you knew you were in a REALLY bad position as you lay there unable to do anything but squirm. You whimper in distress as Dio walks over and sits on the side of the bed right next to you.

Dio looked almost bored as he asked you, "So who do you think you would have chosen?" That question had thrown you off, what was he talking about? Wait was he talking about the...

"You think I didn't know about the engagement? (A/n: I'll eventually make a chapter in the side stories explaining that better) Come now (Y/n), I know everything about you, there is nothing you can hide, my knowledge of you is far greater than that of anyone else." He seemed bored again, "Now dearest, I know you were going to pick me... It is because of that little fact that I'm going to allow you to be by my side, the engagement will proceed as planned. I'm sorry to say our ceremony won't be as grandiose as it should be but I have more important things that need to be done." You looked properly affronted, if he was going to marry you the least the man could do was cater to at least a few of your wishes. "Like hell Dio! I refuse! I'm-" He cuts you off abruptly, "How many times must I tell you (Y/n), you're opinion on the matter is irrelevant; you will marry me tomorrow at sundown, this isn't negotiable. I expect you to be ready and waiting at this door by then is that clear?"

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