Chapter 2

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Today is the day I used to hangout with him to the library to read a book, sometimes it would be Romeo and Juliet. We loved reading that book and we replayed it for a hundred times.

I remember the last time we went to the library together, 5 years ago. In Cheshire, we got cut off by the librarian because we're talking to loud.

How I miss those days, I guess things change between us both. Fame change him, money, pride changed him. It's taking him away from him each and every day.

Seeing him on the tv with his friend makes me somehow jealous. I'm jealous of seeing him with some other girls, holding them, kissing them, and hugging them. I feel like I'm being replaced, replaced with some other girls in his life.

Listening to his voice on the tv, watching him on the tv just makes things worst. These past few days I decided to stay away and avoid his life everyday. I'm being a stalker.

I care too much. Sometimes I questioned myself why do I care so much about him? I miss him, I do. But why do I care so much. I care too much that I'm hurting myself. I'm hurting myself because of me. Because of myself. Losing someone that's really important to you, hurt me. It hurts me so many times before. I'm weak.

"Taylor, someone's on the phone. Do you want to talk honey?"

My mom called me outside the door. She knows something is wrong with me when I locked myself in the bedroom.

I opened the door and smiled at her. She's looking very surprised and happy. She gave me the phone, I took a deep breath before actually answering it.


Taylor : "Hello? It's me Taylor."

Harry : "Hi."

Taylor : "Hello, who is this? If this is not important just blurt it out."

I said in a very sarcastic tone.

Harry : "This might not be important but it's Harry."

Taylor : "Oh, mister Venus. Is there something I can help you with?"

Harry : "No, it's Harry. Harry Styles."

Harry : "Taylor? Are you there?"

He asked with a very sweet voice. His voice, after a long 4 years he finally contact me. What does he thinks I am? My trust is broken, everything is gone. I can't call him and pretend nothing's happening. Is that even a wise choice? No.

Taylor : "Oh."

I said that out of every words I could've say. I don't know what to do nor say. I'm stuck, stuck on the phone.

Harry : "Yeah..."

His voice was full of disappointment. Maybe he expect me to say something cheerful and excited but I can't, I couldn't.

Taylor : "How are you doing?"

Maybe, just maybe I miss him too much to be mad anymore. There's this feeling when I want to just say something nice but I'm still mad.

Harry : "I'm great, how are you?"

He said happily. I closed my eyes and let out a heavy breath. My mom looked at me and put on a smile, sadly. She knows I'm sad, she knows that I love him even when I never told her but she knew. She knows it when I became too obsessed with Harry Styles.

Taylor : "I'm okay."

I might be okay but I'm not fine at all. I hate to lie but I don't want to tell the truth.

Taylor : "Is there something important that you want to talk about? Is that why you called me?"

Taylor : "If there's nothing left, you may go now."

He's not talking, the phone is silence. No talking, no sounds, nothing. It's very quite.

I put the phone on the table feeling freaked out. I looked at my mom and shrugged my shoulders. She smiles at me and hugs me with the warmest hug ever.

Is it wrong that I hoped for him to say that he'll come back here? With me? Is it too hopeless?

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