Chapter 26

339 18 7

December 13th 2016

Today is my birthday which is actually exciting. I'm turning twenty now, I'm finally twenty. I don't know if it's just me but when I call myself that I'm twenty feels surreal. I'm an actual adult now, I know it's eighteen but twenty, it's amazing.

Harry is not here, how I wish he's here for my birthday. I missed him a lot, he says that he'll be here today but something gets in the way and he's gonna be here tomorrow, the fourteen.

I missed it, week he wake me up just to say happy birthday. When he hug me and throws eggs at me. I guess we're older now and the fun has gone.

He never, never missed one of my birthday. He's always there for me, he's the fun in my birthday. If he's not there maybe my birthday will be ruined and boring but I guess today I just have to enjoy it by myself.

I started to take the bake sheets and instructions. I love baking cookies and cakes at the same time. The scent and smell of sugary delight is really pretty yet it's super sweet.

I really wish Harry is here so we could do some baking stuff together. I know I'm taking about him so much but what can I say? I miss him too much.

My phone rings when I put down the sugar. I jumps and makes the sugar spilled everywhere, really I don't care about that I love making a mess.

I picked it up knowing who it was. I out him on speaker so that I could hear him talk while I'm making the cream.

Harry : "Happy birthday angel! I'm sorry I couldn't be there today. I promise it make it up to you." His voice makes me smile. There something in his voice that makes my whole world light up, even when he's not here.

Taylor : "Thank you baby. I'm making the cream for the cakes right now. I want to make some cupcakes but I think it's not gonna taste the same." I tasted the cream and really the taste is not that great. It's too sweet for me. I could hear him laughing and I know he's smiling right now.

Harry : "I don't know you want to bake. After all of these years you finally learn to bake. My little Taylor is growing." He always know how to make me blush and smile hard. I don't know how will I react if he's standing here and saying this kind of stuff.

Taylor : "I'm not so little anymore. Im twenty now, I'm a growing adult." My voice sounds really weird. He laughs again, softly. He just makes me miss him even more.

Harry : "Hey babe?" His voice suddenly changes. His voice sounds so serious yet he sounds so excited. I stopped and come closer to the phone.

Taylor : "Y-yeah?" I stutteringly said. He pauses for so long that I want to know what's going on. He never been this silent before.

Harry : "When I say turn around can you turn around? I want to see your reaction when I say that." His voice lighten up again. I let or a relive breath and hummed. "What? Do you think I'm going to say something bad?" He raised his voice jokingly. His pitch voice always makes me laugh even when he did it in accident.

Taylor : "What do you mean turn around? I don't want to turn around. I swear if you order something and scare me. I'm gonna break up with you." I said jokingly. I tasted the cream again and now it's perfect. I always remember what Harry said when I'm making something, he doesn't like something sweet but he doesn't like something sour. He always wants it in the middle.

Harry : "Can you turn around now? Please." He pleaded and I did what he said. I saw nothing, I thought there's gonna be something bad but there's nothing. I closed my eyes and sighed with a smile. I know he's going to do something. He's silent when I turned around, it took me awhile and then I tune around again back to my position.

Taylor : "Harry? I don't see anything. Hello?" It's on but I can't hear nothing. I hear my own voice from his phone. No, he's not here.

I turn around and closed my eyes. I opened it and saw him standing there with a bowyer of roses in his hand and a large teddy bear in his other hand. His smile brought back so many memories. A month feels like a year to me. He smiled widely, showing his dimples.

My t shirt is full with cream, that's why I didn't hug him. He's wearing a really nice and formal suit, I know he loves it that's why I don't hug him, I don't want to ruin it. We didn't say a word, we just smiled and smirked. He hands me the roses and I grabbed it. How I love the smell the smell of these roses.

"Come here..." His raspy voice said. I miss everything about him, his scent, his dimples, his smile, his hair, and most importantly his British accent. "I miss you..." Tears she's from my eyes down to my neck. He wrap me in his arms. No we didn't hug yet, he just wrapped me with his arms around me. "I'm dirty Harry, let me change first." He pulled me before I could walk away. "I don't care. I just want to hug you, I miss you so much." He pulls me into his embrace and kissed the top of my head. His soft grip and kiss, I miss them. His forehead moves closer to mine and then our lips met. I missed his touch, I missed his kisses. "I forgot how much I love it when you kiss and touch me." I whisperingly said. He laughs lightly and continue to kiss me, endlessly.

"Happy birthday angel. Happy, happy birthday my little innocent Taylor." He kissed my nose. His phone rings that makes him jumps. "Pick it up." I said to him. He shakes his head and smiled. "I'm not going to pick it up. It's not important." His voice sounds worried but I don't want to think negative today. "I love you baby. I'm sorry..." His voice gotten so deep and upset. I look up at him and put my hands on his cheeks. "Are you okay? You don't have to say sorry, you never do anything bad." I kissed his lips quickly and I continue to hug him. "You still have to bake the cake Tay. Let's make it together alright?" I nodded as he carries me to the kitchen.


Author's Note :

Hello! Tay's birthday is today. I can't believe she's already 27. I hope you enjoyed this birthday special. I tried to make it sweet and cute. Love you all.

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