Chapter 10

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"Drink it slowly, you might choked Tay.." He said softly. He's looking at me while I'm drinking the hot chocolate. I sighed and put the mug on the table. I rest my head on the rim of the couch. "Your temperature is going high Taylor." He puts hand on my forehead. He sat beside me and pull my head slowly to rest on his lap. He rubs my hands with his to make it warm. "You're so quite lately." He said sweetly. His voice sounds so raspy yet normal. He moves his hand to my head rubbing it slowly. I don't know what gets into me but I want to cry, I get so emotional. It might seem like it's just a normal thing for him to do but for me this is something he does rarely. Maybe he does this every time when we're young but now he where does this thing again until now. I miss him, I miss him being here with me. He's been so busy with his life and Talia. It's hard for me to talk to him.

"Hey, hey are you crying?" He said looking at me, bowing his head down. I shake my head and he wiped the tears from my eyes. "Don't think of anything right now, just go to sleep." He rubs my shoulder and rest his hand on it. Maybe the cause of this sickness is my stress? Who knows, I never get sick like this before. I closed my eyes and remembers the thing mr. Venus told me. It's already been a week but I still have to think of it.


"Taylor come in please." He said with a very deep voice. I sat on the chair and looked at him. "How have you holding up Taylor?" He said very sweetly. He's always taking care of me like his own daughter. "I'm good mister Venus. I'm just not so great." I said and cleared my troth. He looks at me and smiled. "I know Talia can hurt your feeling sometimes, I'm really sorry about that Taylor." She said again really sweetly. It's true Talia can be a butt hurt sometimes. "It's really okay mister Venus, there's nothing you have to worry about." I said with a light smile on my face. "Talia is dating your best friend, Harry. Is that true?" He asked me and I only nodded. "I'm sorry if she ruined your friendship with him. I will tell her to give you and him more space." He said. "No. no mister Venus please don't. It's fine, I don't mind as long as I see both of them happily." I said with some gesture. He smiled and stand up. "Always be happy Taylor, you can go now." He exits the room as I sighed. It's been a hard day for me.


"Taylor go to sleep." He said rubbing my shoulder again. I nod lightly and closed my eyes. "Are you..." I started off with a really quite tone. "Nothing." I stuttered. "How long have you been with Talia, Harry?" I said the correct sentence this time. He sighed and bow his head down to look at me. "Not long. Maybe about a month or so." He said unsurely. I nod and closed my eyes again. "Can I be honest with you?" He said to me with a very serious tone. "Anytime." I said to him with a smile. "You really need to sleep." He said jokingly. I closed my eyes again and smirk.


Author's Note :

Decided to published two chapter today. Currently having writers block.

I just want to tell you all that the ride will start soon. This is still a prologue for me. The real, real story is about to get real.

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