Chapter 34

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"Adam... you know you could've had told me before? I'm gonna be okay with that."

He sent me a piece of paper and he's face timing me. The way he showed his heart is really different. He's a different person when he acts this way.

"I'm sorry Taylor. It's just that I can't stand how we don't get along you know?"

I completely understand that. I mean, I know this relationship is just a management arrangement thing that Adam's manager set us up.

"I have to go. Um-- see you later Adam."

We both end our call there.

It's weird how it's super different. It doesn't hurt me at all, it didn't even bothers me at all. I don't feel a thing, I just feel normal.

Heartbreak sucks, it does. It still does, this one sucks but it didn't hurt me. I feel like I'm just a normal person that feel like herself again.

I tried to find myself when I lost myself in the crowds, the loud crowd. I can't feel a thing back then, it sucks to feel that way. It hurts like hell, I don't want to go trough it anymore.

"Taylor honey? Louis and Liam is downstair. Come meet them."

I rushed down to the stairs as I saw them standing up in a nice tuxedo. I don't know what's happening.

"Go get ready and change to your little black dress. You don't have to do your makeup nor your hair. Just get ready love!"

Louis and Liam both said the last part in unison. They pushed me so that I go back up and get ready.

What are they planning to do? I don't even know.

I just changed into my little black dress like they told me to. I put on some makeup and put my hair in a bun.

"There you go. Come on, let's go."

Liam pulled my hand and dragged me to the car. Louis opened up the door and let me in. I feel like a princess right now.

"Bye Andrea! Thank you for doing this!"

Louis opened up the window and stick his head out as he yelled. My mom laughed and waved at us three as Louis smiled and looked at me.

"You're gonna have the time of your life Taylor! We're gonna party!"

Liam shakes my body and smiled. These two boys are so hope over nothing? Maybe I'm being dumb here but I don't freaking understand what the heck is going on?

"Are you both drunk?"

I laugh it off. Louis hits my arm and wink at me. Liam is driving, me and Louis is in the back seat.

"Pretty please promise you'll have fun and forget everything today? Even when this party belongs to someone you don't want to know."

I squint and nod. We arrived and both of them holds my hand like in their little sister walking to a massive party.

I was amazed to see the mansion, its huge. A lot of lights are going from the ceiling.

"Oh, look who decided to come and celebrate me and Harry's party."

Kendall greets me as I look at the two boys that's holding my hands. I smirked at Kendall and rolled my eyes. She's holding a glass of wine and drink it like a classy lady she'll always be.

"I'm sorry to bother you miss Jenner and mister Styles. I'm sorry if my arrival here makes you irritated. If that so have fun and I'll get my dirty feet out of here."

I turned around while Louis and Liam still holding my hand. I sighed and looked at both of them.

"Ahem... miss Jenner I think our friend there is okay with us three going inside. So please move out of the way."

Liam said while he shoo her away. Liam was pointing at Harry while Harry is just smirking around. Louis pushed me so that I went in and I rolled my eyes at both of them.

"I can't believe you guys."

They both smiled. Harry was there with Kendall and it bothers me how they looked at me. Well I'm focusing on Kendall but still.

"What are you trying to do miss Swift? Ruin my relationship with the lovely Harry styles, which happened to be your ex?"

Her voice irritates me the most. I mean, yeah, I know, and I know I'm not supposed to do that but what can I do?

"Excuse me but I'm not trying to ruin your relationship with Styles. Isn't it desperate of me if I actually make an attempt to do that?"

I laughed, a bitter one. She smirked at me and put down her glass of wine down. This is the first time I'm having a serious and bitter talk with someone. I never done this before.

"Swift, you're already looking desperate by showing up to our party tonight. I didn't know you're invited."

Her tone of me makes me really mad. I just want to run and jump off a cliff right this instant. If I did that, I'll look like I'm scared of her.

"I'm not invited? Well, that two boys called Liam and Louis dragged me here. I thought your boyfriend knew about this because that two boys is his friends."

I pointed at Louis and Liam. They're dancing mindlessly. I take a sip of my wine and raised my eyebrows.

"Look Jenner, I'm not trying to ruin this 'relationship' of yours and Styles. What are you so paranoid about anyway?"

"Why are you so scared when you know he loves you. You don't have to worry about anything if you actually 'trust' him."

I didn't use my kind tone, I just used my bitter and sarcastic tone. She rolled her eyes and laugh bitterly.

"You don't know how much he hates you and despises you Swift. How I wish you're there when he's drunk and blabbered about something so bitter and hurtful."

Her whispered is really... I don't know how to say it. I put down my glass of wine loudly that everyone is looking at me.

"That hurts a lot. Turn around would you? Thanks for telling me that."

I was being sarcastic. Somehow that respond don't bother me.

Kendall turned around, seeing Harry was behind her. She hugs him, innocently. As Harry looked at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned my body around.

"Good luck Jenner."

I turned around and I waved at her. I run to the boys. They're waving at me and they smirked.

"I didn't know you're such an amazing bitter person. Good job Tay."

Zayn laughs at me and get in the car. They're my fun right now. Maybe if I never met them, I don't know what life means anymore.


Author's Note :

Hiii! In three days I'm gonna go somewhere, for holiday. Hopefully I can get some connection.

I'm gonna be out for 9 days. It's pretty long but hopefully I can write and publish more chapters!

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