Chapter 11

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I've been in bed for what felt like ages. My coughing is getting worst and worst. Harry would check up on me every now and then.

"Tay." His voice called my name. I looked at the other direction and looked at his eyes. I only nod and smiled at him. "Are you feeling better?" He asks me sweetly. Lying, I nod and gave him a smile. "I have to go somewhere is that fine? I could cancel it if you feel worst.." He said holding his phone ready to call the number.

"I'm fine.." I said holding back my cough. I don't want to cough in front of him when I lied that I feel better. "Your temperature is still high, Tay. Don't lie. Tell me the truth are you really feeling better?" He asked me again making sure. He looks at me in the eyes. "Yes." I said shortly.

"Call me when you need anything. Anything." He said before he left the door. I sighed and put my head on the pillow.

I burst out a loud music, I looked at the photos of me and Harry when we're still kids and innocent.


"Don't!" I screamed in front of his face holding his hands. "What? It's not a rat, it's a mice." He said pulling his hands out from mine. I rolled my eyes and stay behind him. "You know I don't like mice nor rat." I hit his arm softly and playfully.

"Shut up Tay! You'll scare it away." He said shushing me. "Good then, I want to shoo it away." I said looking at the mice. "Look it's not gonna hurt you as long as I'm here with you." He said looking at me and catching the mice.

"No! Harry no!" I yelled at him hitting his arm away. His other hand reaching my hand for me to hold the mice. "Harry! No, please no." I start to get terrified. He looked at me and laughed. He puts the nice on my arm and drag it. "Harry, No! Please!" I said as my eyes become more scared. He looks at me and puts the mice away.

"I don't mean to scare you, I'm sorry." He said hugging me. His hands around my waist. "I don't like mice..." I said childishly. "I know, I know, I'm sorry." He rubs my back and rest his head on mine.

I jumped as I felt his feet on mine when I thought it was the mice. "Don't worry I already put the mice away." He said to me. "It's okay now and I'm sorry." He said again. "It's okay. I'm just scared." I said with a smile.


I used to be the one who's really the childish one. Harry is always wiser than me. I'm always that little Taylor whom he holds and drags to the woods and run away with. I miss the nice and fun day where we used to hang out and hit each other playfully.

"Hi." His voice creeped again. I saw the clock and I've been thinking for almost an hour. "You came earlier than I expected you to." I said without looking at him. I coughed making him startled. "I thought your cough has gone away."

"What are you doing with those photos?" He pull them from my hand. I stopped hand but as always he stopped me first. "You're looking at them?" He asked me and I feel somehow embarrassed.

"I love the one where I scared you with that mice. I wish he's here right now." He said. He laughed at our photos. "10 years ago, time went fast." He said smiling and looked at the dates.

"You must be tired, goodnight Tay." He smiled and cleaned up the photos. He closed the door gently.

"Goodnight." I said closing my eyes and turn my face, facing the white blank wall.

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