Chapter 41

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It ended so quick that I didn't have the chance to say I love you before she ran away. She left, she left when she realized that she's in my arms, sleeping with her hair all over the place.

Why am I so obsessed with her? Why can't I find a new girl to replace her? Why am I feeling so attached to this one innocent girl? What have I become?

But truth is, she's irreplaceable. Nobody compares to her, even when people harassed her. It doesn't even matter.


@Harry_Styles : Don't leave me.

@Harry_Styles : Why did you run away when I said I want you back?

@Harry_Styles : Forget about it then. It doesn't even matter anymore cause we both got split in two. If you can spare an hour for me to explain and say how sorry I am, I would Taylor, I would.

@Harry_Styles : It's okay if you don't want to call me or text me anymore. Just please promise me you won't forget we had the love we always hoped for. Just don't forget it Taylor.

@Harry_Styles : I know I'm being your creepy stalker but I don't fucking care. I just want you to know that my heart still belongs to you.

@Harry_Styles : I'm sorry for cheating on you. That's my biggest mistake in my entire life Taylor and you know that. I'm so so sorry.

@Harry_Styles : I guess you won't text me back. Thank you for everything Taylor, thank you for letting me be myself again, thank you for giving me all of you when you don't have to. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to hold you and kiss you one last time before the new times began.

@Harry_Styles : Happy New Year, baby. I wish you all the best. Find someone who will treat you like you always deserve. I hope this year treats you well.

@Harry_Styles : I love you, Taylor. So fucking much.

@Harry_Styles : Happy New Year :)

Taylor POV

My phone is ringing crazily the past couple of hour but I didn't bother to even open it. Not that I don't want to but I'm depressed.

"Come on Taylor."

My mom called my name. I already packed everything I need, I'm just missing a thing from my heart. Him.

I left him all alone when I promise that I will never leave him. I don't want to make him feel like this. But I did.

"I'm sorry mom."

I dragged my luggage and sighed. I checked my phone and the notification says it's from twitter. Maybe it's one of my friend texting me, who knows.

I checked the twitter notification and clicked on it. I didn't believe it at first but then I know my eyes won't lie to me.

A bunch of message from Harry I received is unexplainable. I left him dry and cold in the end of the year, in December. In the cold and windy December.


@taylorswift13 : I'm sorry Harry.

I didn't send it. I just texted it, it's different. Tears are falling again, I never thought I'll hurt him like this. I left the message open and I sat here with my eyes wide open with water in it.

It's the end of the year and we're still acting like a heartbreaker, both of us acted like that. We both know the same thing, we both feel the same thing but there's nothing left in it.

It's gonna be January in a second, in a minute. In one minute it's gonna be January, the people cheering and counting down the number now while I'm on a plane to America.

I'm not in one island with Harry now, we're on a different island. I'm gonna miss him, fuck this, I already miss him now.

"Happy new year, honey."

My mom said from beside as I have her a weak, a really weak smile. I bowed my head down just to see the picture, the picture of me and Harry from the night we kissed. Two years ago, exactly two years ago we kissed in the middle of people cheering on us.

It hurts, seeing something like this hurt me. I don't want to keep this picture, this is just one of them picture that I have to burn but I didn't. Why you may ask? Because he still have my heart. My heart still belongs to him. He never did such things that makes me mad, I'm mad at myself for letting myself fall for my best friend for the first time around.

Like I always said. I lost two people, my partner and my best friend.


Author's Note :

HAPPY NEW YEAR LADS! I love you all so much! I hope 2017 will treat all of you really well because all of you deserve it. Let's hope that 2017 is gonna be a good year!

And I'm sorry for this chapter. 💔

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