Chapter 24

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I walked trough the door just like he told me to. I sat on one of the couch and stare at the blank wall. This room feels like home, it feels like I'm actually flying. Maybe that's just my feeling but really there's something going on in this room.

"Hello Taylor." A raspy-familiar like voice creeped from behind. His voice is somewhat familiar and unique, but at the same time I don't really know who it was.  "He-hello." I stuttered. I looked at the tall figured guy and there he was. Standing 6 feet tall, his green eyes and curly hair like. "Mister Styles-- where's my manner." I stand up and pull my hand out for him to shake. Yeah, I look like a stupid girl when mister Styles is standing in front of me. "Harry told you to come here didn't he?" I nodded and sat back down. He gave me a drink and I take a sip. "I want to talk to you." His British accent starts to show. I can feel the sweat on my forehead is running down to my neck. "Of course." I replied. He cleared his troth and gave me a paper. It's full of terms and conditions that I don't understand.

"Mister Styles, I'm sorry but could you explain all of this? I don't really understand." I put the paper down on the table and cleared my troth just like he did. "Well Taylor, it's the paper that Harry's manager gave me. It's rights for his new movie. There's gonna be a lot of romantic relations going on with the movie." I gulped so hard that maybe he could hear it. I'm not ready to hear what's next but I guess I have to hear it. "Maybe you guys could talk about it together and have a little meet up before he actually sign the paper. It's not gonna be comfortable to watch am I right?" I nodded and smiled. I whisperingly let out a breath. "I don't want to ruined any of you guys relationships. I don't want to tell him that it was okay to have a sudden break up, it's not good for a man to do that kind of stuff." "Nor a little space. I don't like it when a man says that he needs some space, or the other way around maybe he says that you're the one who needs the space. It's gonna lead to a wrong expectation." His words is really wise. I never knew mister Styles is actually... nice. He never actually liked me, I mean he does but not like he wants his son to date his best friend. "Talk it out easy and slowly, I'm sure you high will find a way. If something happens maybe it's the best way for you both. I hope you guys are happy with each other." He stands up and cleaned his trousers. I stand up as well and smiled at him. He looks like Harry so much, he's the spitting image of him, well Harry is the spitting image of him.

"Thank you mister Styles." I smiled and shake his hand. He pats my back and lead me to the door. "You're a good girl Taylor. Take care of Harry, if he does something bad just scold him. It's the best way for him to understand." He laughs along with me and I actually wave at him, he waved back. It's just my h sit when I want to go out, even when I just go out from a bakery, I do the same thing.


Author's Note :

Hello! I hope this story is still interesting. I tried to make it interesting but I just don't have the idea to do that. I hope I find some inspiration along the way! As always thank you for reading, love you all.

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