Chapter 17

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Harry left for work quite early this morning. As usual I woke up and sat on my couch.

I don't know what me and Harry is. We kiss, we hold, we touch, we hug but what are we? Is always my question. I never asked him that, I just ask myself. It feels weird that I kiss my best friend, to think it that way it's really weird but at the same time it's a new feeling for me.

I never have the feel of love. The feel of true love. Beside my mom I don't have anyone. My dad is with my brother, Austin while me and my mom is living together.

I never see Harry this gentle and loving before. Since that kiss accident he became more possessive and protective of me. Not that I don't like it but he's more of a gentleman. I love seeing Harry changes everyday but sometimes that change tragically changed him. His styles his looks, his personality, and his sense of humor. But I know he's not the Harry I used to boss around and humiliate, that's not him anymore.

I used to tease the green eyed boy when we were 13. The day I turned thirteen is the most beautiful day I ever experience. He sets up a surprise for me it all went really well.


"Taylor wake up!!" He said while he's shaking my body furiously. I pretend to sleep when I'm actually awake. I just want to annoy him like he annoys me. "Tay! Wake up! It's the thirteen!" Of course he's gonna say the 'thirteen' for a bait. Every time the date thirteen marks it means that we celebrates it with a loud music and us dancing. Sometimes we would sneak out and go to a supermarket near our house.

"I'm awake." I opened up my eyes seeing him smiling widely in front of me. He's wearing my beanie wit my sweater. "Harry that's my beanie and my sweater." I said a little bit annoyed. But really I don't mind, I just want to make him feel guilty. "I know it fits me so I wear it." He said not even feeling bad. I rolled my eyes and get up from the bed. I know he doesn't take a shower so I don't. "Put on some perfume." He said grabbing the perfume bottle. "Why did you choose this one?" I asked him putting the perfume back to the desk. "Because it smells like roses and I love roses. But it smells like lilies too!"

He grabs my hand and run to the door. He stops at the street, in the middle of the street. He's still holding my hand with his sweaty hand. "Where are we going?" I asked him and put on my jacket as snow comes down slowly. "You'll see, it's gonna be fun I promise you." He said running and crossing the street. The road seems familiar but I don't really know where are we going.

"Your house!" I yelled excitedly. I always love visiting the Styles it's really cool when I visit them. They always welcome me like I'm their own daughter when I'm not. I'm just Taylor, Taylor Swift. "Yeah come one." He said pulling my hand again. He runs more faster now.

"Mom! Dad!" He yelled, knocking at the door. He peeked trough the hole and shrugs his shoulders. Finally, Anne opens the door for us to come in. She hugs me saying "Happy birthday little Taylor." She hugs me so tightly and I smile. I smile so wide feeling really happy. I almost forgot that today is my birthday.

I follow Harry to the garden, my favorite place in the mansion. And guess what I see? I see fairy lights so bright and a bunch of people with gowns and suits. My eyes widen up and I gasped, I gasped so loud that everyone smile at me. I hugged Harry and stand in my tippy toes. He's so tall and skinny that I have to stand on my tip. He hugs me back and smiled at me. "Happy thirteen birthday Tay." He said whispering to my ear. Somehow that thirteen makes me smile, I can't believe I'm already thirteen.

3 years with my best friend is amazing. I couldn't ask for more. Harry, he's incredible. He always tries everything to do something, at least something for my birthday. When I never do anything beside saying a happy birthday.

"Harry, thank you." I said beside the music starts. He nods with a smile. And we danced all day and night to the best song ever.


He's always so sweet. Making me smile, surprising me, the sweetest thing that comes from him is his smile and happiness. His effort and work never failed to amaze me until now. He always dream to become a football star but he's a celebrity now, a famous celebrity known as Harry Styles. The famous singer. I'm proud of him, I'm proud of my best friend that I have for 10 years.

I never thought I will see him again after along 4 years. But now I'm here, seeing him and loving him like I used to and always do. I want to give him the love that he wants, that he deserves.


Author's Note :

I really enjoyed writing this one. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I do!

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