Chapter 36

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*phone rings*

"Hello! You called the right person, Taylor! Unfortunately Taylor is busy right now. Please call me again or leave a message after the beep."


"Hi, Taylor. It's me Harry. I just want to say I'm sorry... for what happened at the party. How are you doing? I hope you're doing good. Um... Taylor. Can we have some talk together? Somewhere? I know you're busy, but if you can please tell me. I want to explain something, I want to talk to you. I'm stupid for sending this message aren't I? I'm sorry Taylor, for.. everything. I messed up, I know I did. If you give me another chance, I promise you I'll do anything to make it up to you. Please text me if you hear this! If you can't, it's completely okay! Thank you Taylor. Have a nice day."

I finished it. I pour everything to that one message, maybe she won't hear it. I feel like I'm trying too desperate for her to actually give me another chance at our little friendship.

It hurts like hell that I lost the love of my life, she's not only my girlfriend back then, she's my best friend too. I love her, no matter what happened, she's still my best friend.

"Harry, you already know you're a fool. Why are you so stupid sometimes?"

I waited. I waited forever for her to give me some respond. I look like a lost puppy, pacing back and forth, waiting for her to respond.

I decided to drive. I can't keep my mind off if I just stay at the house and looked over my phone. It's not a wise thing to do to drive at midnight when I haven't sleep.

Taylor POV

Taylor : I'm sorry, terribly sorry. But I don't have the time to do that. There's nothing to be explain about Harry, there's nothing we could talk about. What's done is done. You don't have to say sorry for the mess. It's already over. Thank you Harry.

I miss him, I miss everything about him. But I just can't. I don't want to meet him this sudden and talk normally when we have something undone.

I have heard that text since he sent me that. I just don't respond back to it, because I don't know if I should text him or just leave him hanging like that.

I'm a bad person for doing that.

Harry is still my best friend, he's still a part of my life. Heck, he's been there for me since forever.

Our relationship ruined our friendship. We don't have anything now, we're basically lost.

I want this talk, I want to meet him, just the two of us hanging around with each other.

How I wish I could just show up my face to him and talk about 'us'. I'm not ready, my heart is not leading me to him. It needs to wait.

My phone is ringing, of course I pick it up. I feel bad if I don't.

"This is Taylor Swift. How can I help you?"

The usual greet I always made. The line is pretty busy, there's ambulance near, I can hear it.

"Miss Swift, mister Styles got into a car accident. We're currently at downtown. He refused to go, he wants to meet you first."

I let out a breath. The next thing I know is that tears escaped from my eyes, so much tears. I'm stuck here, I'm an idiot. Maybe you thought I'll run and meet him but I didn't.

"T--Taylor. I'm sorry."

His voice lingered trough my ear as another tear fell down. I'm sobbing, he's sobbing. I never hear him cry before in my entire life.

"It's fine."

That how I responded. A simple, casual answer. He's sick, he needs me. I'm a bitch for doing this.

Run Taylor, he needs you.

I forced myself to. Why can't I move? Why can't I say anything? What's happening to me?


Author's Note :

It's a bit I a cliffhanger huh? Sorry. Tomorrow I'm gonna be a bit busy. I can't publish any new chapter. Maybe, just maybe, I'll write down the chapter while in on the plane and publish it when I got any connection or even better wifi! I'll see what I can do. I can always write down the chapter, because I love making them. But the problem is the connection. Thanks for reading love! As always, love from me.

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