Chapter 52

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"I cheated..." I whispered under my breath, truly that came out as a bitter respond after our kiss.

His eyes widened, I can see the tension is all over him right now and he can't contain himself from his temper and anger. I looked at him, sadly as I shifted my eyes on the floor.

"That's what you have to say? After we shared a kiss?" He looked at the window, refusing to look and make eye contact with me. I sighed so loud that makes me gasped, he didn't react to it.

I didn't say anything, I know it seems like I don't give a damn about this kiss but this kiss meant everything to me, I really need him. But right now I feel like I'm being a selfish, careless, girl who wants a boy's heart without even trying. And I don't want that, ever.

"You want to meet Jake now?" His voice just came out as a calm comment, I don't understand why but I feel like that. I shake my head as a respond and he sighed, no one can understand me, not even myself.

"I don't know." He gripped his hands to the steering wheel and he starts the car. I'm feeling anxious about this midnight-driving now that I upset him.

He let out a breath and he starts driving, the city lights are shining brightly, but the person beside me is hiding in his dark corner because of me.

He's mad at me, again. I upset him, again. It's just the same route all over again.

"I'm not mad at you, and you never upset me Taylor." I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling weirded out that he can read me, is it that obvious? But the fact that he says my name, he never said my name when he's mad at me or upset, but his comment, I never upset him, that's was a big lie.

"I never upset you? Harry, I ran away, I made you leave, I don't give a fuck about everything. Harry! I'm a slut, and what people said about me is true, was true." I let out my anger inside me, I'm not mad because of Harry, I'm mad at myself.

I never picture Harry when he's mad, I never picture him when the temper has build inside of him. I can't, maybe if I can I'll be scared right now but truth is, when he's mad I'm mad at myself because I know when he's like this, it is always because of me.

"Don't you say that ever again..." He said after a long sigh, we arrived at Jake's house, I don't understand why he take me here but I guess he has his own reason.

"Thank you... for t-to-day." I opened the door when I said that, it's just a movement for not looking at him.

He holds my wrists, both of them and pull the back. I turned around to look at him and he's grabbing something.

"Be there tomorrow, I don't take a no for an answer." He put it on my hand and I put it inside my purse, I don't want to lose it. I don't understand what he's trying to explain but I nodded and gave him a smile.

"Be careful, take care." He said once I got your or the car. I nodded again and I closed the door gently, I don't want to wake Jake up.

I walked trough the door, shivering and shaking my head. I don't want to face Jake, not when I just shared a meaningful kiss with someone I actually loved.

"Jake?" I whisperingly said his name, I just want to make sure he's actually resting.

I put my purse on the table and I sat on he couch, I throw my head back, resting it on the couch and sighed, it was a pretty long day.

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