Chapter 64

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I rushed to the door after I stopped the car, running to it like somebody is chasing me, when there's no one behind me. I'm just excited.

I knocked on the door, not making any sound. I want this to be a surprise, she doesn't know I'm coming home today.

I smiled behind the door, waiting for her to come get me- maybe with Val on her hand. My hand is holding a bouquet of roses, while the other is knocking on the door again.

"Coming!" I heard her say from behind the door. We never really have guests coming to our house.

The sound of the door knob turning and the door slowly opened, she peeked trough the door frame and she smiled widely, hugging me right after and kissing my cheek.

"I didn't know you're coming home today." She said while still smiling, Val on her hand- laughing cheerily. "Look baby, daddy is home." I handed her the roses as she handed me Val, she smiled at me and she leans in to rest her head on my shoulder.

"I miss you two..." I kissed Taylor's cheek as I kissed Val's. "This is her bedtime huh?" I asked her as I go in, she nodded.

"She's sleeping." I knew she is, she didn't move for a whole minute. "I didn't make any dinner Haz." She said from the kitchen, pouting when she looked at me.

"I already ate, it's okay." I went upstairs to Val's room and put her there, not wanting to make her wake up.

I went downstairs, hugging Taylor from behind and showering her cheek with kisses.

"When Val is up, she's your target. Now me?" She joked, still laughing.

"Yeah..." I nodded at her and I lean to the kitchen counter, my hand still on her waist. "We're married now." She looked at me and she grinned, slapping me lightly.

"We've been married for a year Harry." She shook her head, laughing. Putting the bread on a plate and leaving it there.

"I know... but I've been going on tour for so much it doesn't feel like we're married." I said, sometimes I want to just quit and be here with her and Val. But then, maybe that's not the best decision?

"We have Val now, that can cheer you up right?" She saw my unhappy presence. I'm happy, very happy right now that my family is back. But part of me is still unhappy that I have to leave them again.

"I don't want to leave you both anymore." I bowed my head, pretending to look at the counter when I just want to avoid her eyes. She's probably sad now, not knowing what to answer me.

This always happen..

"It's gonna be alright Harry." She puts her hands around my neck, hugging me and kissing my cheek. "We're here for you no matter what."

"I left for so long. What if Val doesn't even recognize me anymore?" She giggled, a soft one as she puts her hands on my cheeks.

"She won't. And she never did." She smiled at me, me smiling back at her. "I always show her your picture every time I missed you. You always FaceTime us, she won't forget you baby." I smiled at the thought of that, her showing Val pictures of me when she misses me. "Just think about everything again alright? I don't want you to regret anything." She pecked my lips and I grab her face, kissing her again- I missed her so much.

"I'm sorry I can't be with you both everyday." She smiled, pecking my lips before she nods.

"It's okay Harry. They needed you too."

All I need is them now...

Thank you for reading!

Wowza... what is this chapter. This is seriously a mess but I want to end this story. I'm very sorry everyone, I know I probably disappoint you. I'm just not feeling it anymore. This is a very messy time jump but I hope it still make sense.

This account made quite a few changes. My name is now not DirectSwift13 anymore, it's ecstasy-- // I hope it's okay with you guys. I'll still make Haylor stories, don't worry.

After this story, I have an upcoming one and I feel more confident about it. I'm not sure when it'll be out but I already have all of the ideas written. It will be hopefully a mix between Zaylor and of course Haylor. It'll still be Haylor, that might change due to my mood. Just Kidding.

Again, I'm so sorry about this sudden change of plans. I feel so bad because I didn't tell you guys nor inform you about this. The next chapter will be the end. Thank you for everything! I love you ❤️

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