Chapter 57

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I ran my fingers trough my hair as I saw Taylor, sitting on the chair with her leg crossed. She's stunning as always, but her eyes tells me something more.

"Harry!" She jumped from her seat, running towards me and she gives me a hug. I lift her up, in my arms, giving her the best hug I could've ever give her.

"Hey baby..." I murmured under her hair. The smell of her shampoo just brings a lot of memories, the good and bad.

It was a tough year for us both, we've gone trough breakdowns, fights, violences, and we almost had a break between us two. But I guess the love keep us strong, and here we are still together.

"I miss you.... so much." I said, whispering to her ear. She nods and she buried her face on my shoulder. She haven't said a word beside Harry.

Everything happened when I'm away, and the one thing I really hate was the Jake situation. He came back, he haunts us basically and that was the worst nightmares we've gone trough.

Maybe if it wasn't for Jake, she won't be like this. Hurting, suffering, and depressing. Cuts are everywhere, and it means everything. Every each one of them have their own reason, and that hurts me to see her like that.

But I know that one of them was caused by me.

Her eyes... fuck it got swollen. Her blue eyes doesn't shine, it's dark, it's full of dark clouds everywhere.

"Please don't think bad about me, I promise I didn't do anything to hurt you." Her soft voice suddenly said and I shook my head. "No baby, no..." I kissed her cheek and she nodded, giving me a weak smile.

Everything about her are dark now, and I can't change it. She'll have nightmares and everything, and I feel useless that I can't help her.


Taylor POV

"Harry? Do you really have to leave?" My voice sounds heavy and breathless when I said that. I don't know why but I feel unsafe when he's not around me. Knowing that Jake and dad can do anything at this point.

"Tay.... you can come with me." He said, softening his voice in the sentence.

I don't want him to go, but I don't want to come. I have to leave for a couple of months, and I can't do anything while I'm there. And if I leave, this house is not gonna be safe at all.

"Why baby? What's wrong?" Him, saying baby means a lot to me. Even when he said that once to me, it still makes me feel special.

"Nothing Harry. I just don't want you to leave." I quietly said. His eye soften and he walked closer towards me.

He looked into my eyes as I look into his green piercing, emerald eyes. He smiled, caressing my cheeks and resting them there. I know what he's gonna do but I'm still really shocked about it, this is not something he never do before but somehow this makes me feel hot. He kissed me, and I deepen the kiss, not regretting every move that I made. I didn't move my hands, it is still on myself as I feel really different about this situation.

"Touch me." He said, I put my hands on his waist, then I put it around his neck. I have to stand on my tippy toe but I don't care about that.

The car arrived, the sound of car just break our thoughts. He pulled away, smiling and he picked up hid bag. I smiled too, giving him a big smile.

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