Chapter 47

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I've been waiting for the right time and moment to talk it trough but it just didn't work out. Mine and her schedule are oddly off. It's like-- there's no way I can fix this, there's an impossible chance that we get to fix this.

When I'm at home she's going out, maybe she should be at home but she doesn't want to have the silent-awkward treatment so she decided to go out.

I understand about that, completely and perfectly. But can't we at least have a talk for an hour? Is that so hard to control?

I've said to myself that it can't be done, it's always come undone even when we tried to do something different. The relationship we once had is not gonna be the same.

I've been locking myself in my room for the past two hours, it feels like a day I locked myself inside my room, or should I say my little 'hideaway' place.

I didn't go out from my room, the boys is not here. I don't know if she's here but I don't really have the need to see it right? She's gonna avoid me again.

I was interrupted by the sound of knock in my door and I let out a big sigh when I hear that. The sound of a knock is really, really irritating but at the same time it's a must, so I don't really mind. Even when I really give a damn about this 'knocking' sound but I have to deal with it, since I don't have a bell.

"Wait a sec." I half shouted but I end it with a growl. I sound like a lazy and antisocial people that always lock himself up in his bedroom to avoid people, but really I'm just tired.

I brushed my hair first, well with my fingers as a comb. I didn't even wear anything, I'm topless. I'm only wearing a boxer, well what's wrong with that? It's just a bare knock.

I opened up the door, again with a growl. Can this stop already? I feel like I'm an over-sensitive teenage girl, that never moved on from that one person.

When I open the door, well I tried. The door squeak and I decided to throw it, I pushed it against the wall as it slammed to the wall, leaving some big marks. I'm focusing on the wall, when I should have focused on the person that knocked on my door, once.

"I just want to give your breakfast. You didn't go downstair, so I thought I'll come here and give it to you." I looked at the person, shit. Just when I don't give a damn about everything, it has to be her. After all people that I thought would come here, it's her. I guess I should have expect the unexpected.

"I hope you don't mind. I'm not trying to disturb you." She coughed at the end and I just realized that she's sick. That's why I'm not shocked when I hear her voice, it's really raspy.

I grab the food tray as she turned around. She strokes done her hair first then she began to walk away, like I expect her to. I mean, it's not like I'm expecting her to stay here.

"Wait--" I startled her and she sneezed. Gosh, everything about her is sweet. I wished I didn't think of that but I don't want to avoid it as well. I just want to be honest now and that's final. "Have you eaten yet because if you haven't, you can take mine." That's what I'm thinking and I let it out. She looked at me and she shakes her head.

"I haven't but you can eat it. I made it for you since the boys is out, I thought I'll cook you something. Please eat it, you haven't eat since yesterday." Her voice sounds so sick, it's raspy and it's wet. She's coughing, it's the dry one and it sounds worst. I hated it when I see people sick.

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