Chapter 32

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"Hey pretty gal."

A man approached me. He holds onto my hands and dragged it to his cheeks. I'm drunk but I can feel what's going on between me. This man deserves a treat.

"Get off me!"

I slapped his pretty face. I can't even see him that clear, my eyes is pretty blur from the alcohol and the lights.

"You sure know how to defense yourself baby."

It's not that rare, things like this happens. It happens when I'm at a party, obviously. I don't care about it, It doesn't have effect on me anyways.

I just want to have fun today and leave the town for just one night. It's not so bad right?

I enjoy going to parties but I don't enjoy going to clubs. It's weird, I know. It's crowded, yes it is. But I don't knew the people there when I'm in a club, but when I'm at a party at least my friends now these guys.

"Taylor, you're drunk."

Cara pats my shoulder and I nodded. Like I said I still hear what people said, I'm still here. She drags me to her car and she drives it, maybe if she wants me to drive it and have a pretty wild night it will go badly.

I did that once, accidentally. I'm a pretty new Taylor am I? I'm getting used to party and stuff like that but still, I'm not a fan of swearing or cussing. Even when I know I can, I'm just that one person who don't like to swear.

"Thank you Cara!"

I screamed in front of her car. She gave me a thumbs up and she left. I get in the house and sat on the couch. What a pretty wild night.

*phone rings*

Great, when in drunk I got a phone call. I'm still me right now but it can get worst? I want to pick it up but at the same time I want to leave it alone.

Taylor : "Yeah? What? Hello!" That's how drunk I am. I didn't look the ID, stupid me.

Zayn : "Heyo! Is this Taylor?" A familiar voice speak trough the phone. It's Zayn, he's a really good friend to me. Even when his bandmate is my ex.

Taylor : "Taylor!! Yes I am! Hi Harry!" I blurted out his name. In my mind I can feel what I'm saying but my body, my feelings is letting it all out.

Zayn : "It's Z, not Harold. How are you? Don't forget tomorrow is my birthday party."

Taylor : "Oh yeah!! Happy birthday Zaynie!!!" I completely forgot about this whole birthday stuff. My mind can't function right now.

Zayn : "Why are you so excited? Are you drunk?" He laughs at the phone. I laughed to, without knowing what he's laughing about. "Harry's shocked that you're drunk Taylor." He laughs again as he starts to scream like a little girl.

Taylor : "I'm not drunk Zayn." I actually did said pretty serious but my tone gave it away, I am drunk. He giggles at the phone.

Zayn : "Sure, whatever. Harry's sending goodbyes with lots of kisses Tay." Gosh how I wish I never hear that. I hate him when he brought him up. Not like I care about it but I'm drunk now. Can't he understands that I don't want to talk about him? Especially when I'm drunk, I can say anything right now.

Taylor : "Goodbye Zayn! Sending you lots of kisses too." Thankfully drunk me thought that Zayn is sending the kisses. Maybe when I'm not drunk I can beat him down, not like I'm gonna punch him. I'm just gonna scold him like a little boy.

I never missed him that night. Alright, I'll admit that I missed him the first month but I'm starting to get used to this.

I still call out his name when I'm drunk, maybe that's because he's my best friend?

I accidentally called out for his name when I'm with Adam. It's embarrassing and I get scolded obviously.

I'm not ready for a new relationship. I just want this relationship to end. But I feel guilty if I did that. He's not coming around anymore anyways. What's the point of that huh?

He's not Harry, no one can make me feel like that. Harry is one of a kind, he's my one and only. No one is Harry, nobody can make me feel like I'm floating in the air, like he always do. He still do.


Author's Note :

Taylor's note at the end is when she's drunk. Hope that makes sense.

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