Chapter 38

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"Come on Julie."

My niece is here with me, it's not always easy to bring a little kid with me. I'm going to the mall, because she begged me to come here and I actually went here. Julie is my only niece, the other is a boy.

"Jules, what do you want?"

I carry her in my arms. I'm at the toy store, we're basically going for a Christmas haul. It's not that late, it's been two days since Christmas. She looked at all the toys and point at one.

"That one?"

I point at it and she nods. It's on the way too and I can't even reached it, I stand in my tippy toe and try to grab it. At least I hoped that it would fall down on my hands.

Someone grabs it for me, easily when I tried so hard to grab it. I was about to say thank you when I saw the boy standing next to me with a big smile. I stood there for what felt like ages until Julie pulled the edge of my dress.

"Auntie Taylor can I see the toy?"

I looked at her and nod. I gave her the toy and hold her hand. Knowing Julie, she's really hyper, she can't stand still.

"Your welcome for that."

He smirks as he looks down at Julie.

"Th-thank you. U--uh how are you feeling?"

I stuttered as he looks up at me again. He's holding baby stuff. The bad thoughts came in my mind, I'm really a negative person.

Is he having a baby? No way...

"Good actually. Just having some sort of sore pain on my knees and feet, the wounds is still healing."

I nod and looked down at the baby stuff. It's all pink, I guess the baby is a girl. I want to congratulate him but at the same time what if it's just some baby stuff for some gift or something.

"Are you expecting a baby with Kendall?"

I asked in front of him as his eyes grow wider. He smiled at me and looked down at his stuff.

"Expecting? God... Taylor. Kind of."

I tried to stay calm as possible. Julie is being awfully quite, I actually want her to scream as loud as she can so that me and Harry could get some distraction.

"Congratulat--tion Harry. I know you'll get some happiness."

I was about to smile when he interrupted me with his laughter, the laugh I've missed so much.

"I broke up with Kendall, I mean I kind of broke up with Kendall."

He smiled when he said that. Kendall is going to be a single mother then.

"Why would you leave her like that? She's having your baby Harry, you should be there for your child and for her."

I start to talk while I'm looking for Julie's toys. It's actually for a surprise, I don't want to spoil this little girl. Her birthday is actually near Christmas, I thought I could get her something.

"I broke up with Kendall a month ago Taylor. And she's not pregnant. This stuff is just for my sister."

I mouthed an "o" and I smiled at Julie. I looked at Harry and he's still standing there with his stupid smirk.


A male voice called my name as I turned around to see him. I smiled as I see him, he hugs me immediately and carry Julie in his arms.

"Harry this is John, John this is Harry."

Harry shakes his hand and smiled at him. Harry is looking at me the entire time. He pouts his lips and shifted his eyes on the floor.

"Tay? Wanna go hangout somewhere?"

He cracked me up and I looked over at John. He shrugs his shoulders and nodded after that. He's still carrying Julie.

"Actually, I need to baby sit Julie tonight Harry. I'm sorry."

It's true, I do need to baby sit her. But John is here, I hoped he doesn't ruined my plan. I need to get away.

"Actually Tay I can take care of her. I can send her to Austin, it's fine. Go have fun for the night."

He smiled at me as he makes his way to the cashier. I rolled my eyes and shake my head.

"Can we go talk somewhere?"

I whispered and he nods. He already bought the stuff so we can actually go out whenever we want.

"Look Harry it's not that easy as it seems. Don't do this to me, not now."

I looked at him as he gave me the what-do-you-mean look. He frowned and look down at me.

"I might be acting so calm and kind but Harry I'm raw. Let me tell you that I can't forget but I can forgive. I lied to you, I lied about my emotion towards you and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Harry."

He looked at me and sighed. He took a deep breath and let it out.

"It's alright I understand. You don't have to say sorry Taylor, you don't have to. I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry for the things that I fucked up. I--I still have my heart for you, it's all yours Taylor."

"Harry, the feeling is not mutual. I'm sorry for letting you down this way but I can't have you again, it hurts."

I said with tear. I tried to ran away but in stuck, I feel like I'm stuck here. I looked at him and gave him a weak smile.

I finally decided to walk away, officially from his life. I never thought I actually do this, I actually want him back. But it's enough for me, enough is always enough.


Author's Note :

Hmm... wonder who the hell John is?! *wink wink*. But in the other side Taylor and Haz finally meet again! The next chapter is pretty much about Haylor! Sorry I don't include the hospital stuff, it's not that interesting and I don't have any inspiration for that! Sorry.


John is her cousin, don't worry. I know the name "John" is weird for Taylor's cousins when it's the opposite, but I just want you guys get shock that's all.

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