Chapter 45

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"Hello! Boys. Boys?"

I came to London today for a week. My mom told me that the boys is in my old house but it doesn't looks like it.

I know me and Harry is still on a rocky terms but Niall told me he's not around for a while. I'm kind of glad about that but I'm pretty sad, I do miss him a lot.

"Louis? Niall!"

I shouted the two boys name. I didn't get any answer. I sighed and waited in front of the door, maybe they're still sleeping? It's still 10 am.


I shouted the last one. He didn't answer as well, this is scaring me. Stuff like this scared me a lot, it's just weird, standing in front of my old house, shouting and yelling when there's no one home and the lights off.

"Damn it... BOYS!"

I shout louder but no one is home. I just have to give up and search for a hotel near here I guess. I turned around, I'm still closing my eyes and bowing my head down. Don't do that, it's not safe.


A boy shouted and I startled. I opened my eyes and I sighed. It was Niall, who welds would it be if it's not him? I really thought it was some stranger.

"Goddamnit Niall! Where were you?"

I asked him and he pointed at the car. The two boys walked out from the car and they ran towards me with a big smile on their face.

"Sorry Tay. We bought some meats and stuffs for dinner."

Liam speak up and I nodded. I mouthed "It's alright" at them and they all smiled. Maybe it seems like we're awkward, smiling and smiling but really it's not. We always does this when we met for a very long time.

"How's life?"

Louis asked me as soon as I step on the floor. It's so nice to see my house is still really clean and fresh. These boys are really responsible.

"Same old, same old. Except I feel like I'm pushing people away."

Louis looked at me with a sad expression on his face. I never saw him pulled out this face before, I loved seeing him making funny expression though.

"It's alright love, you have us plus Ha--"

He was about to say it when I cut him of my shaking my head. I didn't mean to cut him off, I'm just denying it.

"I lost him already Lou."

I went to the kitchen with Louis walking beside me. It's been 5 months since I left but it still feel the same. Louis sat in the chair and he buried his face on the table.

"You haven't. He still talk about you all day, all night. It's pretty annoying sometimes but I rather listen to him talking about you than him talking about how bad his attitude is."

Louis said playfully. I laughed at him, I didn't want to believe it but my heart believes it already. I'n believing people too much that sometimes I don't get the lies.

"Sure Louis, whatever you say."

I grabbed some onions from the grocery bag and I grabbed the knife. I actually enjoyed cutting some onions or some foods, I don't know why. It's just really satisfying how it cuts really easily.

"What do you want for today's menu?"

I asked Louis. He's the picky one so I asked him. Basically every time I went to a restaurant with me the boys will looked at Louis first and then they'll go with his order, even though they can order their own menu but that's their tradition, well at least that's what Liam said to me.

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