Chapter 53

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Harry POV

I drove for what felt like ages but at least I'm now at the door, looking for he right jet to enter the house without getting caught by cameras, but what could I do? They always caught me off guard.

"Dammit, where is it." I'm still trying to figure out where the hell I put my key, it's weird that I always forgot where I left the key.

"Harry! What's your ex doing with you?"

"How's your ex doing?"

Hearing people called her my ex is hurtful, I never considered her nor call her as my ex.

There's something about ex, that makes me feel... somehow mad and angry. There's no need to call an ex, ex because it's just so harsh for them,

For Taylor.

"Hey... what's taking you so long?" A girl's voice slid a key on the door and I looked at her face, gasping. She's smiling so wide and her blue eyes is brighter than ever, I know I say that a lot but it is a lot more brighter.

I didn't make an attempt to do something, all I did was grab her hand and pull her inside before the paps could harm her or do something that I would regret.

"Are you with Jake?" That was my first question, her eyes went wide and she gave me a devilish-cheeky smile. She shakes her head, still smiling the same way.

"No, what is it with you and him? You never actually meet him." She laughs out and she sat down, I hate it when she acts like he never do something that could cause a lot of pain with this girl.

"The fact that he hurts my girl is not right Taylor." I just blurted that out, she bowed her head down and closed her eyes.

She doesn't like it when people talks about her well, harm and such things because now it was because of Jake and not her. It is fine if we talk about self-harm but other than that she's really sensitive.

"He never hurt me again when you told him to stop." She looked at me and she gestured me to sit next to her, so I did what she told me to. "Kendall was there." Her voice cracked me up, not a laugh, but anger. Anger built inside me and it takes all over my body in a blink of an eye.

"What did she do?" I jumped up to see her, I checked all of her body and she sighed, maybe she knew I'll react this way.

"Harry..." She puts her hands on my arms and she rubs it, her eyes locked with mine and she gave me a don't-worry look. "She didn't do anything, calm down." I sat back down and all I could do now is to relax my body, I want to comfort the girl next to me but I can't.

Taylor POV

His eyes are different now, it's a lot calmer than before. I rubbed his arm, I can't help but feel anxious too. I'm worried that his expression changed suddenly and his anger will take his whole body again, but I know he won't do something hurtful.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, don't worry." I shake my head and I looked at him, can he really read my mind? The tone he used is disappointed and really concern.

"I scared you huh?" He asked with a smile plastered on his face. I shook my head and suddenly, his hand is one top of my hand, rubbing the palm of my hand with his thumb, softly.

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