Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: I'm...I'm
*picture above is Lina Alvarez*

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I was feeling a little ill again. Lina said it was car sick. We stop by a corner store to get some chips and all that.

"Um Aubrey?" Gissel asks.

"Hm?" I mumble and try to speak but my mouth is full.

"You hate pickles-" Teresa says then Lina finishes her sentence.

"And mustard!"

"Ywah?" I make out when I mean yeah.

"Why are you eating them??" Teresa says.

"They tss guud." I say.

Instead of replying, they just look at each other and stay quiet the rest of the ride. It never tasted so good before!

"So," Lina starts, "let's go get some pizzas for lunch!"

"Sounds like a plan." Gissel says.

"Actually, I just want to go home. If that's alright with you girls." I reply once my mouth was no longer filled with the pickles. My three best friends look at me puzzled.

"What do you mean? Are you sure you're alright, Aub?" Gissel gives me a concern look.

"Yeah I'm fine." I manage to say. Although lately I haven't. I just didn't want them to worry about me. Clearly- that didn't work.

"Girl- like for real- for real okay??? Because you haven't been yourself these pass few weeks." Lina adds. I try to manage a smile so they know that I am okay. But then I felt that urge again.

"Mrs. Alvarez please stop the car!" I shout so she can hear me over the air from the opened windows. She took a quick glance at me and pulled over to the side of the free way. I got out of the vehicle and immediately threw up. It kept coming. And it felt like forever. When I finally stopped- I walked back to the car. But I didn't go inside as I saw everyone looking at me with such worry.

"Mom," Lina says without looking at her but at me with worry, "we need to get her to the hospital fast."

And with that they drove me to the nearest hospital. I was feeling so upset. I didn't want them to take me to the hospital. I appreciate that they care but I felt like a burden. I was crying in the waiting room and had people looking at me.

"Things will be okay." Teresa says trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah first let's see what it is that's making you feel sick." Gissel says. I nodded and looked around. Not many people were in the waiting room. And by the vending machines across from us stood Mrs. Alvarez. Lina had told me that she was going to contact my mom to let her know what happened. I looked at my shoes to distract myself from the feeling again.

"Aubrey Hernandez?" The doctor called out. I get up and walk towards the doctor.

"Room 5B please." The doctor says. I look back at my friends feeling nervous for some reason. The doctor closes the door which she came in and walks behind me as I find my way to room 5b.

She closes the door and sits in her chair.

"You can sit on the exam table please." She says. I follow her instructions and take a seat. The color of the room was a nice shade of pink and had floral curtains. It was soothing and somehow made me feel a little better.

"So let us see...." the doctor says as she types something in her computer.

"You were feeling sick?"

"Mhm" I say.

"And you were throwing up?"

"Mhm" I reply once again.

"For how long has this been going on?"

"Ummm like six weeks..?"

"Alright. We will draw some tests and see what's going on, shall we?"

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[This never happened to me so I don't know what goes on with the appointment to determine a certain something *hint* *hint* So I skipped ahead ^.^]

After the tests were done. I walk out of the room.

"Aubrey! What happened?" Teresa says. I look at her but don't say anything.

"Aub?" Gissel asks with more concern. I look at the wall behind Gissel but still don't speak.

"God sake! Aubrey what's wrong?!" Linda says out of pure worry. I look at each of my friends. I think of how happy we all were not that long ago. The smiles and laughter we all shared in our lives. I try speaking but no words or sound came out as I opened my mouth. I look down at my shoes and close my eyes.

"Aubrey, you're-"

"Pregnant." I whisper.


Sorry about the chapters being short. I'll try my best to make some long chapters here and there. Its hard to keep it going for so long😂 I just wanted to get to this point of the story where the real drama hits. Hope you enjoy this so far.

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