Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: No Isaiah pt. 2/ Father/ Moody again

"Can we please stop talking about this?! This whole 'baby talk' is really killing me." I roll my eyes.

"We know but Aub, when are you gonna tell your parents??" Lina says. I take a sip of my avocado smoothie and don't say anything. Who knew avocado tasted so good in a smoothie. Stupid hormones.

"I told you. I'm not saying anything to them!"

"You have to, Baby." Gissel says.

"Why? I don't need to tell them."

"You kind of have to, Mi Amor [my love]. Who's gonna support you financially with the baby when it comes?" Teresa says.

"I'll... I guess I'll just have to find a job."

"No, I think the point is that you have to tell them. You can't hide this forever. You're gonna go back with them sooner or later." Lina says.

I'm trying the best I can to not loose my temper.

"Can we... just-- talk about something else and not worry or even think about this baby inside of me????" I look at them. They all know that they aren't going to be able to change my mind. They nod and Teresa starts to talk about these new shoes that are coming out in a few weeks. I'm not even paying attention to the conversation though.

I end up thinking about Isaiah..

I really miss him. Each time I think about him my heart aches.

His smile. His eyes. His words. Everything.

I hold my phone in my hands. Text him.

And that's exactly what I do. I look for his contact and text him again.

"I can't do this alone." I say to myself. Everyone else must've heard me because they knew what I was talking about.

"He'll come back, Sweetie." Teresa gently squeezes my forearm. I slowly nod and take a few deep breaths.

"It's been so long. I think I'm exaggerating the time, right?" I laugh but tears fall down my cheeks.

"It's okay, Aub. Let it out. It's understandable. You miss him. And I know he misses you too." Lina wraps her arms around my shoulders.

"Yeah! And besides- it's been a while since he's seen his grandparents. He's just wanting to get all the time that he has." Gissel says. I smile knowing that they're right. I shouldn't be selfish. He's happy being with his grandparents.

"Yeah... you're right." I smile. Teresa takes my hand and pulls me out of the couch.

"Come on! I'm hungry! Let's get some tacos de bistec [steak tacos]!"

"Sounds good." Gissel and Lina both nod in agreement. I put my sweater and follow Teresa out the door. It's a bit chilly for the season.

"Lina's house was a lot warmer." I wrap my arms together as I shiver from the cold.

"It's good outside!" Teresa twirls around as we're walking to the nearest Mexican restaurant.

I have the best group of friends ever. Lina is a little serious. She doesn't like to show her feelings at most times. She's the tallest in our group and is kind of serious. But other than that I love her.

Teresa is the opposite of Lina. She's outgoing. Hard to calm her down when she's bubbly. She loves to let people what she thinks. She's a little shorter than Lina but still tall in the group. Even though she's quite the opposite of Lina- they're pretty close.

Gissel. With all honesty, I'm a little more closer to her than Lina and Teresa. But I love them all the same. Gissel's a little shy. She's a little quiet and really smart. But in our group she's more reasonable then all of us. She likes to see that there are more options than just two.

*********** *************

"Oh hi mom!" I fake a smile over the webcam.

"Hi honey! How are you? How's the field trip?" Her bright smile is breathtaking.

"Oh! It's umm great!"

"That's good to hear! Hey honey there's someone here who'd like to say 'hi'."

And then my heart was pounding uncontrollably fast.

"Hola mi Princesa hermosa [Hello my beautiful princess]."

I forgot how to speak. No words came out of my mouth. My heart's pounding. I'm shaking. I smile so big my cheeks hurt.

"Hola Papa [Hi father]!"

He smiles. His eyes still sparkle when he looks at me. Like his whole world is right in front of him. I give him the biggest smile ever. I want him to see in my smile just how much I miss him.

"Me encantaría abrazarte ahora mismo, pero estás en tu viaje de campo [I'd love to hug you right now but you're on you're field trip]." He says with a little sadness in his voice. The punch of guilt comes. There it is.

"I'm sorry I can't be home, Papa." I sincerely apologize. I try my best to smile.

"I got to start the cooking, Sweetheart. But it was nice seeing you." My mom says. Suddenly I felt a crack in my heart.

"Y- you too." I say.

"Hablamos al rato, mija [Talk to you later]." Father smiles.

"I love you guys." I hold back my tears. They wave goodbye and log off. I sit there on the guest room's bed.

"Aubrey?" Gissel says on the opposite side of the door.

"Y-- yeah?"

"Food is downstairs."

"Thanks but... I'm not hungry." I close my eyes. Gissel opens the door.

"Baby you need to eat."

I do my best to look at her but I can't. Her eyes are filled with worry.

"Is everything okay?"

I wipe my eyes as I begin to feel them water up.

"I'm fine."

I hear her footsteps come closer and closer. She bendz down on one knee and wants me to look at her.

"You haven't been eating well these passed few days. And it's bad. Bad for you. And it's bad to the baby."

"I just don't feel hungry. I'll eat later, okay? Please."

She doesn't say anything but gets up and closes the door behind her. I get up and stand next to the window. The moon was shining brightly. The trees were still. I attempt to call Isaiah again.


"Hope everything's going well, Baby." I walk back to the bed and with that I turn off the lamp..


Hey everyone! How is everyone today? Thank you guys for reading this story!! Hope you like it!! I really appreciate the support. Love you all! And please don't hesitate to do any story covers for this story. I'll upload them and give shout outs

Well that's all I have. Until next time! 👋

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