Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: A Desicion made

The world seems so dark. Please tell me it's just a dream. This can't be happening to me. This is too soon. What am I going to do?!?!?!

"Aubrey," Lina begins to say, "what happened in there?" We're still in the hospital but we sit down where we were before the doctor called me in.

"I...she...." I start. But I somehow forgot to speak english...or any language for that matter..

"Aubrey?" Gissel frowns.

"¿Que paso? [What happened]" Teresa asks.

"I...," I begin. I clear my throat to regain the strength to speak, "I told her my symptoms..she asked me some questions..and...the..conclusions."

"Girls," Mrs. Alvarez says coming in our direction, "let's all go home. I'll make some enchiladas."

We nod our heads and make our way to the car.

On the way home, no one spoke. No more questions were asked, thankfully. I rest my head in the car door and shut my eyes tightly.

Wake up. This is just a nightmare. Wake up. This can't be true. No. Wake up. This can't be happening..

We make it to Lina's house and we go upstairs to her room. Lina shuts the door and looks at me.

"So..." She says. I take a long inhale of the air and breathe out slowly. I walk to her bed and sit down in the edge.

"Aubrey....what are you...gonna-" I answer before letting Lina finish.

"I don't know." I reply looking at the pink carpet floor.

We all were quiet for the rest of the time until Lina's mom called for us to go downstairs for the food. We all walk downstairs and take our seats in the kitchen table. We eat in silence before Lina's mom begins the conversation.

"Aubrey, what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know." I reply almost immediately.

"You are going to tell your parents?" Mrs. Alvarez says.

I don't say anything. I have to. But I don't want to. You have to. I don't want to. You should. I won't.
"You have to tell them." Teresa says.

"It'll get worse if you don't, Babe." Says Gissel.

"Take it from experience." Mrs. Alvarez says. I remember Lina telling me once that her mother had her at a young age. And now I have to go through this???? No. I will not. I won't have my life ruined by letting this go any further.

"I can't tell them. I just can't."I simply say.

"Honey, if you don't tell them now they will find out sooner or later. One way or another they will find out and it may not be the way you want them to find out." Mrs. Alvarez warns.

"Aubrey! Think about it. What would happen when your stomach begins to pop out?" Lina says.

"I'll tell them then-" An idea struck. "No. I don't have to say anything."

"What makes you say that?" Gissel asks.

"I'll get an abortion."

"Are you insane?!" Teresa shouts at me.

"Whoa there girl. Getting an abortion isn't going to be easy." Lina says.

"Maybe not. But I'm not going to be carrying a human being inside of me. It will destroy everything!"

"Aubrey...just think this over a little more. Letting your parents know is the rightful thing to do at this moment." Mrs. Alvarez suggests.

"Okay. Okay. But please- Do Not tell my parents. I'll tell them when I get home.." I lie.

"Good." Mrs. Alvarez flashes me a sad smile.

Few hours later...

Lina's mom drops me off home and I walk inside.

"Aubrey is that you?" My mother shouts.

"Yeah it's me, mom!" I call back.

"Can you help me with cooking, sweetheart?"

I make my way to the kitchen and find my mom cooking.

"What are we cooking for tonight?"

"Beans, rice, and chile con huevo [spicy egg]. Can you do the eggs for me? You do them so well." My mom smiles. I get straight to cooking and my mind drifts off.

"So what did you do today? Hang with your best friends?"

I stop for a moment.

"Uuhh yeah. I was with them." I say.

"What did you guys do?" She asks.

Go to the hospital to find out I'm pregnant. I clear my throat.

"W-we just hung out at Lina's house and j-just...y'know- chilled." I avoid eye contact and continue with the food. When I finish I set the table and take a seat.

"Did you have fun?" She asks. Before I can answer Joshua comes down the stairs to the dining room and takes a seat in front of me.

"How was your day?" Joshua smiles at me.

"I uuhhh fine." I say quickly.

Mom joins us and we eat silently...for the first time. But I couldn't speak. Normally it's me and Joshua who talk so much. But since I didn't say anything he hardly spoke. He made small talk with my mom. I finish eating before them and ask to be excused. I pick up my dish and go upstairs to my room. I sigh in relief and lay on my bed.

Beep! Beep!

I look at the message and immediately took my breath away.

Gissel: are you going to tell Isaiah??

I don't reply but stare at the screen for a while. Seconds after she calls me.

"Baby? You got to tell him."

"I...I....can't." My fingers begin to shake.

"Baby! Come on! You have to tell him. He's the father of your child right?"

"Yes of course he is! I didn't sleep with anyone else!"

"Then tell him! Baby, you've been dating him longer than any couple I know. He loves you. He adores you more than anyone. He's going to support you no matter what. You can't do anything without his consent too. Both of you are responsible. You will both get through this." She says.

I smile. Maybe...maybe just maybe..I should tell him. Yeah!

"You're right. I've been with Isaiah for a while now that he'll help me. I mean- I'm sure of it."

"Although I am curious, Babe." She says.

"What's up?"

"When did you and him get intimate?"

" my birthday party."

"Oh! Well..I can't say nothing more. The rest is for you and him to decide. I'm gonna let you go because I have to go help with the cooking. We'll talk later Babe. I Love you. Bye!"

"Love you too."

And with that, she hangs up.

Well, I'm gonna tell him. I have to. Before telling my mom. Mainly because I'm not sure if I'm going to tell her. But if I tell Isaiah then for sure I feel a lot better. Having his support will make me feel a lot assured.


Hey guys! So what do you guys think? I hope this is good so far. And I hope you like it. I'm trying to get to the good parts. But please don't hesitate to ask or to comment anything.

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