Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Anthony

My eyes flutter open.

I sit up in bed. I look at the clock next to the lamp.

5:58 a.m.

"Might as well get up." I shuffle my hair. I get my things and head for the shower. The warm water against my back always makes me think.

Papa... I can't believe you're so close yet so far from me.

Isaiah... You're so far away..

Mom... I'm sorry for this mistake..

My best friends... I'm such a disappointment and don't deserve to be alive..

I slam my hand against the wall.

"Dammit!!" I cry. With all honesty, I don't know how long can I do this. I hate these mood swings.. I hate the-

"Oh no-" I rush to the bathroom toilet-

I hate the morning sickness. I hate this feeling. How can I put up with this? I should've just done the abortion.

Quinn. I stop. I wash my face and go back into the shower. The little boy I saw in the clinic. His cute smile with his big round eyes.

I turn off the water and get myself ready.

I wrap the towel around my body and walk to my room. One thing that's hard about girls is choosing what to wear. I spent the next 10 minutes choosing what to wear.

I go with my white Panic! At The Disco t-shirt with light ragged pants with my light pink vans. I put on some natural make up.

I go down the hall and into the kitchen. I'm in a huge craving for spicy eggs. So I make eggs and pancakes. Moments later Gissel walks in. She has a doctor's appointment today so she's not going to school.

"Babe? What are you doing awake?"

"Making breakfast. Duhhhh. What else?" I smile.

"You should be resting."

"Relax! The baby's not even half way and you here stressing over the thing. I'm fine. Besides, I'm gonna be late for school."

"Don't stress too much. It'll be bad for the-"

"Gissel, Baby! Please just drop the whole thing!" I look at her. She slowly nods and I smile at her knowing that I'm right this time.

"First day back from break and here you are taking another day off." I smirk. Gissel smiles and sits on the dinning room table.

"I'm just going to get my physical done." She says.

"Yeah I know." I hand her the plate of food.

"You better start heading out, Babe. You're gonna be late." Gissel says. I grab my bookbag and head out. The weather is so nice. The wind gently sending my hair back. The clear sky was so beautiful. The birds singing so melodic.

*********** *************

"Where's Gissel?" Teresa asks.

"Doctor's appointment." I grab my algebra textbook.

"You feeling alright?" Lina takes a drink from her hot chocolate she bought at Dunkin Donuts before she came to school.

"Mhm." I close my locker.

"Has Isaiah called back?" Lina takes another sip.

I sigh with frustration.

"No. Now I'm sorry but I got some questions I need to ask my algebra teacher. I'll see you guys later." I quickly walk away to avoid any questions. My other classes were so slow today. Maybe even more because Gissel wasn't here. I go in the class and take a seat. I take out my calculator, paper, and pens.

"Umm excuse me, is this Ms. Trujillo's class?"

I look away from the window and see a boy standing next to me. Since I'm the only one in here I can see why he asks me.

I nod my head. He slowly nods his head and takes the seat next to me. I look at him with disgust. Maybe he'll get the hint that I don't want him sitting next to me.

"Do you have a pencil sharpener?"

I glare at him. Seriously?! When I see that he needs it I give in and hand him my sharpener. Couple seconds later he gives it back.

"Thank you."

"Yeah. Yeah. Now don't ask me anything." I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you." He puts a box of skittles on my desk.

"Oh no no no. Bribing me to forgive you isn't going to work." I pout. I look at the candy for a few seconds.



"Fine. You win. But only this once!"

The boy playfully smirks. I open the box and from the corner of my eyes I see him staring at me. I look back at him. I look into his deep hazel eyes that goes well along with his peachy complexion. His dark fire-like hair.

I look away after I realize that we've been staring at each other way longer than 3 seconds.

"Aubrey!" Michelle walks in. The bell rings and suddenly everyone comes in. I clear my throat to the boy when Michelle comes.

"Oh! Is this your seat?" He looks up at her. She nervously nods uncontrollably.

"No no! You're f- fine!" She blushes. The boy gets up and takes his things.

"It's okay. I'm sorry I took your seat." He walks to the front of the room.

"Hi Michelle." I smile.

"Who is he?" She slaps her hands against her cheeks.

"I don't know. New student?"

The teacher walks in and tells us to be seated in our assigned seats.

"So class we have a new student! So please make him feel welcomed. Go ahead, tell us about yourself."

The same boy from earlier winks at me. My face suddenly felt warm.

"Oh crap!" I whisper to myself.

"What's wrong, Aubrey? Are you okay?" Michelle pats my shoulder. I nod my head.

"Hi, my name is Anthony. It's a pleasure to meet you all." He gives a genuine smile and every girl in the room sighs as they just been struck by cupid's arrows. The guys shoot daggers with their eyes.

"Well Anthony you can take the seat behind Aubrey against the window."

My eyes widen. You've got to be kidding me?!

He takes his seat and the teacher continues with her lesson.

Anthony pokes the side of my stomach making me fidget around.

"Stop poking me." I snarl at him. He smirks but doesn't say a word. I turn around and try to pay attention to the teacher.

He pokes me yet again.

"Quit it." I glare at him.

"You're real cute when you're mad, you know that?"

And with that I blush and don't bother saying anything. I turn around and continue to try and listen to the lesson.


Hey everyone! Hope everyone is doing alright.🤗 Thank you guys for reading this story!! Hope you like it!! I really appreciate the support. Love you all! And please don't hesitate to do any story covers for this story. I'll upload them and give shout outs

Well that's all I have. Until next time! 👋

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