Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: No Isaiah pt. 3


I turn around and smile as I see who's in front of me.


"Isaiah!" I run to him. He extends his arms out and embraces me tightly.

"I missed you so much, Baby." I smile. His fingers touch my chin and he lifts my head up. We look into each other's eyes. Just the way we always do. Our eyes filled with passion. Our story being told in our eyes. With eye contact I want him to know that I love him so much.

"Aubrey." He puts my head in between his hands. He souly looks at me. His eyes become watery and he presses his lips against mine. Slowly we kiss. My heart is exploding. Like fireworks inside. My body heats over a million degrees. My knees becoming weak. Isaiah deepens the kiss. I want to feel every inch our lips touch. I want to feel every inch our lips part.

"I love you, Aubrey." He parts his lips. We both try to catch our breaths. I smile and kiss him.

I love you too..

Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee-!

I slam my hand against the alarm. I groan and pull the covers over my head. Being in my bed is making me even more lazy.

I need to get up now. I got school.

"Baby." Gissel knocks on my door.

"Come in."

She walks in and I slowly get up.

"What's up?"

"There's a guy here looking for you. He says he's taking you to school?"

I jump out of the bed.

"Where is he?"

"He's outside in the front."

I fast walk to the living room and leap on the couch. I look out the window and....

There he is. Patiently waiting for me to come out. Arms and legs crossed. I go into the kitchen and see what time it is. And holy smacks I don't want him waiting any longer.  I run and make the quickest shower ever. I run into the room and wear whatever I find. I put my white converse on and rush into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and fix my wet hair.

"See you later, Baby!" I shout out to Gissel. I see her door open but I close the front foor before I even see her come out.

"Hey. Hope I you didn't wait a long time."

He shrugs and smiles.

"It's alright. I like your shirt by the way."

I didn't even realize what clothes I had thrown myself in.

I'm wearing my black Pierce The Veil t-shirt with my dark ragged pants. My converse are really sticking out since it's the only light color I'm wearing.

"Thanks. Now let's go. I don't want to be late."

"Alright. Let's go, Nena."

On the way it's silent. And not in an awkward-silent way. It's peacefully silent. His hand on the wheel and eyes on the road. I look outside the passenger's window. The sun is rising making May look beautiful. The trees saluting the cars as they wave back and forth.

"When's your birthday?" Anthony suddenly says breaking the silence. I pout as it was comforting.

"Passed. And you don't need to know my birthday."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"Does your boyfriend know?"

Scenes of my dream come in my mind. I close my eyes as I hear my heart thumping loudly.. almost like it's calling for Isaiah.

"Of course he knows."

"How come you never talk about him or brag about him?"

My heart is pounding so fast it's hurting me.

"Can you drop it? Stop asking about my boyfriend."

The whole rest of the ride was awkwardly silent.

*********** *************

"Isn't Anthony cute!" Michelle gives the look like cupid strong her ass with the love arrow.

"He's not cute." I lie. Partially.

"When's Isaiah coming back? Finals are in 3 weeks from now."

I hold myself back from slashing her throat out.

"I don't know, Michelle."

She notices my tone and brings her head down.

"A lot of people sure must ask you, huh?"

"OH MY GOD, MICHELLE JUST DROP IT, OKAY?! I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS!" I growl at her. I'm sick and tired of people asking me where he is. If I knew where he is I wouldn't be this broken because of the lack of his physical appearance. I wouldn't be trying to desperately call and text him to know where he is.

"Sorry." Michelle mumbles. She walks slowly behind and I walk ahead wanting to just go home. I dump my things in my locker and slam the door.

"Hey." Anthony's face scares me.

"Jesus!" I put my hand to my chest, hoping it'd stop the rapid beating of my heart.

"No. It's Anthony, Nena." He winks. I roll my eyes and shove him aside

"Someone is in a bad mood." He walks behind.

"Noooo thanks for noticing, Captain obvious." I sarcastically say.

"I'll buy you some steak tacos." Anthony takes my arm and drags me to his car.


Hey Happy Monday!🤗 Sorry for the short chapter. My next chapter will be long. I promise I'll try. Thank you guys for reading this story!! Hope you like it!! I really appreciate the support. Love you all! And please don't hesitate to do any story covers for this story. I'll upload them and give shout outs

Well that's all I have. Until next time! 👋

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