Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Maybe..

"Please sign-in and the doctor will see you shortly." The lady in the front desk says. The waiting area was empty. I nod and write my name on the clip-board. I find a seat next to a window while I wait. Outside the weather was warm. Perfect weather to hangout with my friends rather than inside a clinic getting an abortion.

I take my eyes away from the view. A lady and her son walk in.

"Honey, go have a seat over there." The lady says to her kid. He runs off and sits on the chair beside me.

"Hi!" The little boy flashes me a huge smile. I smile back. He climbs onto my lap and nudges his head on my stomach.

"Honey leave the young lady alone." The lady says.

"Ima Kowalaaa!!!!!" He makes his hands seem like claws. He snarls at me and makes animal noises.

"Sweetheart. A koala does not 'moo'. That's a cow." The lady laughs. She takes the seat opposite side of me.

"Moo!!!" Her little boy says. He jumps off my lap and runs around the mini table in front of me. He spreads his arms out and runs faster.

"Mama! Mama! I'm flying!!!" He smiles. I smile at the innocent little boy. His baby words. The way he speaks.

"His birthday is in 9 months." The lady smiles.

"Oh really? How old will he be?"

"6 years."

"Oh that's nice." I look at the boy. We don't say anything for a while.

"You're having another baby?" I ask as I remembered that this is an abortion clinic.

"A girl." The lady rubs her stomach and that's when I notice it. The little bump on her stomach. I look at her. She looks so happy. Like she's in some kind of happy daze.

"How far are you?"

"16 weeks." She smiles.

"Isn't that a little late to get an abortion?"

"Oh no! I'm not here for an abortion."

I look at her confused.

"My sister is the doctor of the clinic." She smiles again.

"Oh." I say embarrassingly.

"Yeah." She says.

We stay silent again.

" far are you?" She looks at my stomach.

"10 weeks."

"Isn't it amazing how another life is coming into this world? A beautiful baby..." The lady says.

"Ummm not sure about that. I am having an abortion." I remind her at where we are. She doesn't say anything after.

The little boy runs up to his mom and hugs her legs. The lady smiles and brushes her son's hair.

The little boy was small but right size for his age. He had a blue plaid shirt with jeans. Black converse. His beautiful vanilla complexion goes so well with his curly cinnamon hair. When he smiles his big brown eyes glissened.

"Mama! Can I have a lollipop?"

"Only one." She goes into her purse and gives him a red lollipop. He grins and runs off again.

"Quinn." She says as looks at the direction her son went off to.

"What age did you have him?"


"Young too." I sadly say.

"How old are you?"

"15." I tell her.

"Very young." She smiles at me.

"Yeah. The biggest mistake I'll ever make." I say as I hold back my tears.

"You want to see something?" She asks. I hesitate for a moment before nodding my head. She gently takes my hand and places it on her stomach. I tense up as the thought of feeling a stranger's stomach. But then I feel something. Like a smaller bump on her belly.

"What was that?" I look at her.

"My baby girl is moving. She must be happy to meet you. In an inside-womb sorta way." The lady flashes a warm smile.

"They move??" I didn't know babies move inside.

"You know what makes me really happy?" She says.

"How would I know? I don't know you. I don't mean it as an offensive way." I slightly blush from embarrassment.

"Knowing my baby girl is healthy and has a healthy heart... that's what matters. I can't wait to welcome my little angel into this world. I promise that I will protect my babies from this world. Even though she's not in this world yet, I love her so dearly. Just as much I love Quinn."

"You love them that much?" I smile knowing how beautifully she talks about her kids.

"They are the most important things in my life. Beside from my boyfriend of course."

"That's... that's beautiful." I say suddenly feeling nervous.

"I must be on my way. My sister will probably walk in and she should do her work first. I'll come by another day. We should get some coffee sometime." She says. I smile.

"That'd be nice."

"Awesome! So here's my number. Quinn, Baby!"

Quinn happily runs to his mom.

"Let's go home, Sweetie." She takes his hand.

"Say bye to.. I'm sorry I didn't even catch your name?"

"Aubrey. And yours?"

"Alana. Quinn say 'bye' to Aubrey."

"Bye-bye!" Quinn flashes the brightest smile.

"Bye Quinn. It was nice meeting you, Alana."

She smiles and heads out of the clinic. I stay standing.

Maybe it won't be so bad.


And the next thing I know....

I'm walking out of the clinic.


Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Thank you guys for reading this story!! As for the story up to at least 100 reads I give you this chapter as a reward🎖🎖tion a user

Well that's all I have. Until next time! 👋

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