Pfft, Judgement.

19 4 1

Me: *Plays Cannibal Corpse out loud at school, placing laptop on a table.*
Teacher: *Walking past* *stops and stares at the screen* *makes a "what the fuck" face* *walks off*.
"Friend": Turn that off, people are judging me!
Me: You listen to Nicki Minage ? You should be used to judgment ?


I have a drama assessment tomorrow morning and I don't know my lines! Note: playing Macbeth and will probably have to scream out "DON'T ASSUME MY GENDER" halfway through, 'cause annoying guys will always comment. (Note: not meant to be an offence towards the non binary, bigender, transgender, etc. I constantly feel as though I'm insulting people and in these sorts of cases I really don't want to, out of respect.)


In English, we had to work in teams to decide the following:
"If there was an apocalypse that wiped out all except 18 people, which six would you choose to save?"
*18 people listed. One was a pole dancer. I kid you not it said pole dancer.*
Nick: We should save the sixteen year old mother.
Me: But she's sixteen with kids... kinda irresponsible.
Nick: Well who would you save?
Me: Shannon, the one who has grown up in that area.
Nick: But Shannon is unemployed.
Me: Your teen mother hasn't even finished school yet.
Me: Fuck no. Ooh, maybe you want her to stay 'cause you're the father of her kids?
Aleena and Josie: *laughing.*
Nick: *laughing* you're a horrible person.
Me: I know.
Aleena: Sara's right though. Shannon should stay.
Josie: I'm with Nick.
(Me thinking: of course you are... you like him, after all...)
Nick: Let's flip a coin, then.
Me: We're going heads, 'cause our decision to choose Shannon was made WITH OUR HEADS.
Josie: *Flips it.*
Coin: *Heads.*
One eternity later...
A group has presented their decision and Nick and I have spent the entire time yelling "TOLD YA SO" at each other.
Teacher: Who's next?
Me: Us!
Josie and Aleena: *groan.*
Me: Okay so: we've decided to save the fifty three year old carpenter, the mayor, the twenty nine year old sergeant, the chef, *someone else* and, much to Nick's disliking, SHANNON.
Teacher: And why have you chosen these people?
Me: Well SHANNON, unlike the teen mother, knows about the local area and where to find resources. The mother wouldn't even know where to find her phone charger. Furthermore, Shannon would mate with the sergeant, 'cause we ship it, and since the sergeant's wife died in the apocalypse, she won't mind being cheated on.
Everyone: *laughing.*
Teacher: *concerned look of "did I legit give you an A..?"*

So that was fun and the teacher questioned what I said, along with many other dirty minded references I made during that presentation... I don't know why I'm sharing all this. It's fun to argue with people though. Haha.


There's a thing called "Click Frenzy" currently going on and it offers vinyl specials and my order is, as of now, $150... I've gotta leave a few discs... rip me...
(Currently wanna get two ADTR, a Cannibal Corpse, ATL and BMTH.)


Continuation of last chapter's story:
S: *laughs.*
One eternity later...
In math class:
S: I'm sorry, J.
J: I hate you... *laughing and blushing insanely.*
S: I'm really not sorry though...
J: UGGHHHH... *still laughing.*
S: I won't tell T that you were thinking about him as you read it.
J: *starts throwing stationary at S.*
After class...
S: Hey, T!
T: Heyyyyy, Sarapathic Killer!
S: So J was reading sexual fanfiction and thinking about you the entire time.
J: *Grinning and blushing* FOR FUCK'S SAKE, S!
T: So J... about me, was it?
S: *Sprawled across the floor, dying of laughter as more friends witness the (very awkward) conversation between J and T.*

I'm a matchmaker. Haha.


Our math teacher had a mental breakdown last week and I'm happy to report that she's back and acting as though she didn't run out of the class with tears streaming down her face last Wednesday.


Last week, we were told we have a Chinese test tomorrow and so I learnt around thirty characters in seven days.  Very stressful. Only to be told that we will have dictionaries for the test. Pleas kill me.


I should really be studying for Drama...

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