MCR Day.

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*G note.*

Five bucks says that made ya cry.

Today is the day MCR... well... MCR'd. Except it's four years after. But for fuck's sake, dudes. Four years. F O U R . That's crazy. Yet totally believable. Yet has it really been four years since 2013? Geez I'm old... and geez I'm getting carried away here. Back to the point.

Add one more year and we'll be singing Three Cheers for Five Years. Except that song is by Mayday Parade...

So maybe Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge 'cause that's close enough.

But as long as the band members are happy, I can't be complaining too much over MCR's departure. It's a shame that so many of us never got to see them live or be there for an album release (NO THAT TEN YEAR REISSUE WAS NOT CONSIDERED AN ALBUM RELEASE) but there's not much we can do about that now (or ever), I suppose.

So long and goodnight, MCR.

(Fading Gerard vocals: so long and goodnight...)


I'm gonna go back to Pinterest where I can imagine that everything in my life is fine and that my parents are normal human beings. Then tomorrow I'll snap back to reality and realise I'm kinda broke, kinda failing in life, kinda need to reply to people on three different social media platforms and kinda have parents who may as well be classified as violent toddlers.

Also tomorrow is a half day of school due to parent-teacher interviews and I'm struggling to figure out if that's a good thing or not.

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