Chapter 2: Presentation

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•A Week Later•

Simba stood on the edge of Pride Rock, looking out upon the vast Pridelands. The sun was just making its way over the horizon, which blanketed the savannah with bright rays of orange and pink light.

There was a slight breeze that blew through Simba's bright mane. He stood tall and took in the fresh morning air as animals from all around the kingdom gathered at the base of Pride Rock.

A small grin appeared on his face as Rafiki greeted him with a hug. The old baboon then limped behind Simba, approaching Nala with a warming grin.

Nala held Kopa in her jaws, who looked much larger than he did on his birth day. A small tuft of brown fur was visible on his head. His orange eyes looked at the world curiously.

Nala dropped Kopa in Rafiki's arms and smiled proudly. Rafiki walked up to the edge of Pride Rock, standing in front of Simba. Nala stood next to Simba and nuzzled him lovingly.

Rafiki then held Kopa above his head. The animals below all cheered. Simba and Nala's hearts filled with utter joy. It seemed like their hearts would explode.

Kopa took in the scenery. Animals of all species bowed at the base of Pride Rock. He felt the cold morning air move his furry tuft, and suddenly realized that he was meters above ground.

The new prince screamed out and burst into tears, wiggling in Rafiki's hands. The animals below all looked up at the wailing Kopa with concern. Everyone went silent.

His screams filled the silent morning, and Nala quickly jumped to action.

" Give him to me!" Her voice was heavy with concern and guilt.

Rafiki immediately obeyed, watching as Nala comforted Kopa. The old baboon rubbed his chin.

" No prince or princess has ever cried during a ceremony," Rafiki observed.

Nala shook her head," I knew he wasn't ready for this. I'm so sorry, Kopa. You're okay, Baby."

She left Rafiki and Simba on Priderock and went into the den with Kopa in her jaws. She lay on an elevated flat-rock that was intended only for Royals.

Simba decided that the presentation was over, and that there wasn't going to be a redo. After all the animals disappeared, including Rafiki, Simba joined Nala in the den.

" How is he?" Simba asked, approaching his family.

Nala smiled kindly, " Our son is fine, just a little shaken."

Simba sat next to Nala, grinning down at Kopa, who was now fast asleep in her arms. The rest of the Pride entered the den, wondering if the prince was alright after the scare.

Sarafina, Nala's mother, walked up to the royal family and noticed Kopa's sleeping form. She smiled and seemed relieved.

" Poor darling," Sarafina sympathetically stated.

Nala nodded, meeting eyes with her mother.

" It's odd that he cried," Nala frowned.

" He's a lot like you already," Sarafina giggled.

Nala tilted her head curiously," What do you mean?"

" Just the way he is, reminds me of when you were that young. He acts like you did."

Nala looked down at Kopa, and felt Simba settling down into a decent nap beside her.

" Did I cry, Mother?"

" Well, you weren't presented as you weren't born from a King and Queen. All cubs cry, but like I said, Kopa is just very much like you."

Nala smiled proudly," He'll be a warrior."

Sarafina giggled and left the royals alone. The pride then decided to take a nap.

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