Chapter 25: Loved Ones

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^Art is not mine^

" I won't ask you again, Zira! Where is my son?!" Simba roared in outrage.

The Pridelanders stood at the edge of the border. The Outlanders were facing them from their territory. Simba stood out from his pride. Nala was standing next to him, holding back tears. Zira stood in front of her pride with a crooked smile. She seemed calm, but her heart burned with anger.

" What makes you think I know?" Zira acted innocent.

Simba roared in frustration. Nala looked at the ground with her ears down. Her throat burned from holding back tears. Her heart ached and her eyes stung. A tear found its way down her cheek.

Zira looked at her and struggled to contain a satisfied laugh. She loved seeing her enemies in such pain.

" Poor Nala," Zira mocked. " Did you lose your son? It hurts, doesn't it? It hurts to lose someone you love."

Nala tried to ignore her. Her tone made it clear that she felt no sympathy for Nala. She was rubbing it in deep, causing Nala and Simba only more pain.

" You're a devil," Nala snarled.

Zira lifted her head proudly. A frown formed on her face. She was about to reply when a small voice filled the air.

" Mom!" Kopa screamed.

Everyone turned their heads to the escaped cub, who revealed himself from behind the Outlanders. Vitani kept a low profile. She knew Zira would probably kill her for leaving. Luckily, nobody noticed the tawny cub.

" Kopa!" Nala's voice cracked.

Kopa ran toward the border, leaving Vitani behind cover. Zira watched as he came closer. He ran through the Outlander pride without anyone stopping him. Zira grew more and more enraged with Kopa's every step. She waited until he was close enough and then...

" Kopa!" Nala screamed into the morning.

Kopa was stopped in his tracks. Blood trailed down his face as sharp pains radiated from five points on his head. He opened his eyes to find Zira holding his head by her claws. Her sharp nails dug into Kopa's thin skin. He shook under her paw. He stood in a crouched position, too terrified to move.

Simba and Nala were ready to jump into action, but when they moved, Kopa screamed out in pain. Zira held him under her grasp. She stared at Simba and Nala with fire in her eyes. Her bared teeth were formed into an evil, victorious smile.

" Move... and I'll kill him," Zira warned.

Nala couldn't take it anymore. She burst into hot tears and screamed in overwhelming emotional pain. Her heart was getting stabbed with every minute that passed. She couldn't move.

" Let my son go!" She screamed.

Simba stood in fear. He didn't know what to do. If he moved, Zira would kill Kopa.

" What do you want from us, Zira?!" Simba growled.

Zira sat down. She kept her claws attached to Kopa's head. Tears stained his cheeks, along with blood.

" It's simple really. You give up the Pridelands to me and I'll let your son go. If you choose otherwise, I'll kill him right here, right now," Zira explained calmly.

Nala continued to cry while Simba stood in shock. He couldn't even think straight. Everything seemed to freeze. Everyone was at a loss for words. Nobody seemed to know what to do.

Simba knew what Zira was like. Not only did she want the Pridelands, but she wanted revenge. She wanted to kill Simba. She was going to kill Kopa no matter what. She wanted to avenge Scar.

Suddenly, Zira was knocked to the ground. Her claws detached from Kopa's head. He yelped from the unexpected yank and fell to the ground. He lifted his head to find Vitani standing over him.

" Get up! Hurry! Run!" Vitani yelled and nudged him up.

Kopa quickly stood and ran toward Simba and Nala. Vitani glanced at Zira, her heart racing. Zira slowly rose to her feet, as she was knocked over unexpectedly.

" Vitani!" She roared.

Zira swiped at her with claws out, but Vitani jumped just out of reach. She took off and ran after the Pridelanders. They already fled from the scene. Zira watched her daughter run until she was out of sight. She figured it was no use chasing after.

Zira'a head dropped and she turned away. Her pride watched as their leader walked through the crowd. They all knew what was coming. The pride waited until she was a safe distance away before following her back to the den.

When they returned, Imani and Nasra stood in front of the den, shame covering their faces. Zira walked up the them with an emotionless face. Imani and Nasra lowered their heads, prepared for a scolding. They were surprised to hear a calm voice when Zira finally spoke.

" Leave before I kill you," Zira sternly ordered.

Imani lifted her head," Leave? Are you exiling us?"

Zira remained quiet. Imani stared at her with astounded eyes.

" You can't do that! I'm your best friend!" Imani shouted.

" If you were my best friend, you wouldn't have failed me," Zira stayed calm.

Imani couldn't believe what she was hearing.

" I failed you?! You failed me years ago! When that idiotic Scar figure came into your life you completely changed!"

Zira smacked her to the ground.

" How dare you speak of my mate like that!" She snarled as she stood over Imani.

The felled lioness looked up at Zira with nothing but anger and hurt.

" More like your idol," Imani retorted.

Zira snapped her jaws inches above Imani's head. Imani stood up quickly, and as she did so she pushed Zira away.

" I've kept my promise. Zira. Have you kept yours?"

Imani already knew the answer. Zira thought back to when they were cubs and remembered the promises they made to each other. After Imani promised to never leave her side, Zira thought it would only be fair to say the same thing. But... did she mean it?

" No," Zira answered without shame.

Imani was nearly satisfied with Zira's response. She actually admitted a wrongdoing. Imani couldn't be truly satisfied though, as Zira felt no shame. Imani watched as Zira turned away and walked into the den.

Imani looked around to find the pride watching her. As much as she wanted to, Imani couldn't leave the pride or the Outlands. She had no where else to go. But one thing was for sure.

Zira lost her only true friend.

I must say I'm actually quite proud of this chapter. There's a lot to take in, but it's worth it. I had so much fun writing this chapter and I can't wait to get the next one out.

I like the little side drama Zira has with Imani, I think it fits into the story really well. The story would probably be quite boring if I was straightforward with the plot. Side problems and dramas keep the story interesting.

Thanks for everything again, I can't thank you enough. PM me anytime, I enjoy talking to my readers.

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