Chapter 6: Alone Time

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^Art is not mine^

Nuka stormed into Zira's den. He was mumbling something angrily. Any nearby lionesses figured it was about Vitani again. They all rolled their eyes but minded their own business.

Nuka sat on the other side of the den from Zira, glaring at her and the sleeping Vitani next to her. Zira lifted her head at the sight of him.

" Nuka!" She shouted at him, not caring if she awoke Vitani or not.

Nuka straightened to attention. Zira snapped at anyone, no matter who it was. She was extremely short-tempered. And everyone knew better than to get on her nerves.

" Y-yes, Mother?" His reply was almost pipsqueak.

" Get over here and watch Vitani for me! Or don't, I don't care. I'm going for a walk."

Nuka rolled his eyes at the thought of watching over Vitani. He wished Zira would just rid her already. There was no need for another female in the pride, Nuka knew this.

Despite his thoughts he nodded his head respectively but didn't move. Zira ignored this and left the den without glancing back at Vitani.

Ignoring the uncomfortable stares of the pride outside, Zira continued on. She decided that a nice walk near the border of the Outlands and Pridelands would do some good. She just needed to get away from Vitani.

She walked along the border for many minutes before taking a break and sitting near a popular resting tree. Thoughts about Vitani filled her mind. Killing her was so tempting. She was small. She could easily be crushed between Zira's jaws.

As much as Zira wanted to end Vitani's miserable life, the motherly side of her made it difficult. Sure, she was cold-hearted. But she also a soft spot for her children.

Zira took note of her soft spot and found herself unable to get angry at it. It was just part of her. She lifted her upper body onto the tree and stretched. Her unsheathed claws cut into the tree, causing bark to shred everywhere.

She smiled at the pops in her tense back. It was peaceful here. With no Vitani or Nuka or nosy pride members to break the silence. Time seemed so slow to her in that moment. Nothing else mattered but the soothing silence that lingered in the air.

Not even birds were seen in the sky. Everything seemed still. Peaceful. Silent. Zira felt that nothing could ruin this moment for her.

Except for the oncoming of night.

Zira noticed the purple and orange colors in the sky. Her heart felt light for once as she compared the Pridelands to the Outlands.

The Outlands were more brown than green. Dead trees reached into the sky and dirt covered the ground. Water and food was scarce. Zira wondered how they were possibly surviving in this barren wasteland.

The Pridelands were the complete opposite. Green grasses covered the ground. Water was found everywhere. Trees were healthy and full of luscious leaves. All animals obviously favored the Pridelands over the Outlands.

Zira scoffed towards the Pridelands. She knew she would go back to her pride irritated. She started heading back, growing more and more angry with each step.

When she entered the den, she found Nuka asleep. He hadn't moved. Vitani was crying and being held by a pride member. Zira was enraged by the scene before her. She charged at the lioness that held Vitani and smacked her to the ground.

" Stay away from my daughter!" Zira's eyes were red with anger.

" I was just trying to-"

" I can take care of her myself!"

The lioness stood up and ran out of the den. Zira found that Nuka was somehow still asleep. Vitani cried harder until Zira settled down beside her. She immediately went to nurse. Zira rolled her eyes and sighed after a long day.

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