Chapter 35: Two Lessons, One Day

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The next morning, the royal family set out and split into different directions. Simba took Kopa out towards the border so that he could teach Kopa about the duty of marking their territory.

Simba had insisted that Nala take Vitani to hunt behind Pride Rock. This way she was away from the Outlands, and even better, closer to Pride Rock. Sarafina and Sarabi went with her and Vitani.

As Simba and Kopa followed a common trail along the border, the young prince asked many questions.

" What are we doing first, Dad?" Kopa was full of excitement.

Simba continued walking proudly. He grinned at his son and cleared his throat.

" First, I am going to show you how to mark your territory. It's a way of letting others know that this is your land, and they better not cross the marked border," Simba answered boldly.

" What are we going to do after?" Kopa asked.

Simba laughed," We'll go to the waterhole to meet your mother and grandmas."

" And Vitani?" Kopa tilted his head.

The King nodded, " And Vitani."

Kopa smiled happily. They continued down the trail until they came to a sudden end. Simba looked at a tree and sniffed its trunk. The wood was darkened with moisture that had dried over time. Simba found the scent to be faint, and so he turned his back to it and looked at Kopa.

" Now, Kopa. This is how you mark," the King lifted his tail and sprayed the trunk. " Now you try."

Simba moved away from the tree. The strong smell of urine filled the air around them, but they were unbothered by it. Kopa turned his back toward the tree and looked at his father for approval.

Simba simply nodded and Kopa lifted his tail and sprayed with less of a radius. He moved from the trunk and a much more potent stench took over. Simba slightly frowned. His scent seemed stale in its smell.

" It seems I am getting old. My weak scent reveals my age," Simba sighed. " You did well, Kopa."

Kopa smiled, satisfied with himself. Simba turned away from the tree and began walking back up the trail.

" Come on, Son. We have to mark the other corner now."

Kopa followed with a bounce in each step, eager to continue.

On the other side of Pride Rock, Nala and her group were walking towards a zebra herd that was grazing in the distance. Eventually they stopped far away enough so that they were undetected. Nala turned to her mother and mother-in-law.

" Go keep watch while I teach Vitani how to hunt," she whispered.

The elder lionesses did as they were told and moved away to a high point in the land to keep watch. Nala continued to lead Vitani closer to the herd. A while back, Vitani had told Nala that she never learned to hunt, considering the little food in the Outlands and that Zira never took the time to teach her.

Nala, upon hearing this, decided to take her on a little hunting trip, much like she did with Kopa when he was younger. Nala would've taken Vitani out earlier but she was still getting used to the Pridelanders. Vitani was now accustomed to her new life, giving Nala the cue to teach her how to hunt.

Nearing pouncing range, Nala turned to Vitani. They hid from the zebra herd in tall grass. The one-year-old watched the Queen intently.

" Watch closely," Nala whispered.

As Nala inched forward, she reminisced the time when she was teaching Kopa how to hunt... and the next moment he was kidnapped. Nala shook her head of its paranoid thoughts and remembered that Sarafina and Sarabi were on guard. This made her more comfortable and her paw-steps became lighter.

Without warning, Nala burst from the brush and caused the zebras to flee. She chased after them until she ran out of breath. She stopped abruptly and stared after the zebras, watching them get away from Nala as fast as they could.

After a moment, Vitani came up behind her.

" Why didn't you catch one? We could've been feasting!" Vitani whined.

Nala turned to her and laughed lightly.

" I was not planning to hurt them. I am teaching you how to hunt," she explained.

" Isn't showing me how to bring one down part of the lesson?" Vitani questioned.

Nala scanned her surroundings until her eyes rested on Sarafina and Sarabi, who were sitting on a dirt mound yards away from them. Nala turned and began walking towards them. Vitani followed behind, impatient for an answer.

" It will be. For now, we must meet Simba and Kopa at the waterhole," Nala finally replied.

Vitani groaned in annoyance, and so did her stomach. Nala's ear twitched at the growls, and she found herself hungry as well. The Queen was eating for two now. She was about one out of four months along, and with the pregnancy came the increase in appetite.

Nala decided to gather a hunting party once they all returned to Pride Rock. As they approached Sarafina and Sarabi, they were greeted with nuzzles. Then, all four lionesses headed towards the waterhole to meet the rest of the family.

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