Chapter 37: Strange Cub

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Zira continued to mourn and stay in her den. Imani was thinking about how she comforted Zira during her episode the other day. For the first time since their childhood, Imani saw the Zira she knew. She saw the soft Zira. Not the usual snappy Zira everyone else knew.

Imani saw her actual best friend. The Zira who had a heart. The Zira she knew now was delusional with thoughts of Scar. Imani partly wondered why Zira hid her true self. The other side of her didn't want to care.

Imani knew Zira had every right to feel the way she was feeling. She just wished Zira would take care of her current self better. At this thought, Imani entered the den and approached Zira. The mourning mother saw her coming and groaned.

" What do you want now?" Her voice was deep.

Imani stood above Zira, who was laying down and gnawing on a bone. She looked as if she was never crying before. Her fur was still pale and a frown permanently ruled her face.

" Zira, I understand why you still feel this way. But I think it would be best for you if you go out for an evening stroll. You need some time away from the den," Imani suggested.

Zira stood. For a moment her eyes flashed blood red and Imani feared a smack to the ground. But instead, Zira's expression softened.

" Perhaps you're right, Imani," Zira spoke quietly.

Without another word, Zira left the den. Imani thought the situation was weird, but when she suddenly felt relaxed, her mind went blank. Imani had no idea how much tension Zira carried with her until she left. For the past six months, the Outlands were filled to the brim with overwhelming tension. The pride had gotten used to it, and when Zira left, Imani could feel relief flood over the Outlanders.

Imani decided to make use of the moment and relax. She found a place in the den and laid down for a nap.

Zira walked to her favorite tree and tried her best to relax. It seemed that everywhere she went a dark storm cloud followed her. It constantly reminded her of her loss.

She collapsed at the tree's base and began to sob. Zira has never felt like this. Losing her mate was one thing, losing her daughter was another. Zira knew Vitani wasn't dead, just gone. What hurt worse was that Vitani was under Nala's care. Her daughter was in another lioness's care. Zira never particularly hated Nala until she took her daughter. Zira knew she would most likely never get Vitani back. She hated her mother.

Zira was pulled out of her thoughts when she realized that her whimpering was no longer her own. Zira's ear twitched and faced the tree. She stood up and walked behind it.

She looked down and at her feet lay a small ball of auburn fur. It wiggled and inched forward to feel the warmth of Zira's large paws. Zira looked around the see if the mother was in sight. When she saw no one, Zira returned her attention to the whimpering cub.

A tiny tuft of dark brown fur rested on its small head. Its little black nose was that of an Outlander's. Zira lifted her paw and turned the cub on its back. Its tail untucked from its creamy-brown underbelly and Zira caught a good glance at the gender.


Zira bent down and sniffed the cub. She immediately backed away from his stench. He reeked of dirt and sweat. It was obvious that the cub was abandoned. His little ribs were showing from hunger.

Zira decided that she couldn't leave him alone. She bent down again and reluctantly picked him up by the scruff. He wiggled in her grasp. With the sun below the horizon, Zira walked back to her pride.

Zira received stares as she walked through her pride to her den. When she entered, she found Imani resting in the back. She approached her half-asleep friend and dropped the cub in front of Imani.

Imani startled awake and looked at the cub with confusion. His eyes and ears were closed.

" Who's this?" Imani questioned.

" I found him next to a tree. The mother wasn't around, so I took him. It's obvious he's abandoned," Zira was surprisingly calm.

" Him?"

Zira nodded," Yes. It seems the Great Kings have granted my wish for a son."

" You think this was Scar's doing?"

Zira glared," I know this was Scar's doing. I can feel it."

" You're absurd, Zira," Imani shook her head.

Zira ignored her insult and looked Imani over. A crooked grin covered Zira's face for the first time in months. She looked back at Imani, who was watching the cub struggle to walk.

" Imani? Why didn't you tell me you were expecting?" Zira asked slowly.

Imani looked up at Zira with wide eyes.

" How did you know I was-"

" You're beginning to show," Zira answered before Imani could finish.

Imani swallowed. Her heart sank in her chest. She suddenly feared for her unborn cub.

" I never told you because I know how you feel about random, unplanned cubs from your pride members."

Zira turned her head away, thinking. Imani didn't feel anger from Zira as she was expecting.

" You know the rules well, Imani. It's a shame you can't follow them, though," Zira began.

Imani feared what she was going to say next.

" But I might spare your cub if you do me a favor."

Imani looked at her friend suspiciously.

" What are you getting at?" She asked.

Zira pushed the cub closer the Imani.

" If you provide milk to this cub, I will spare yours,"she proposed.

Imani stood in protest.

" I need all the milk I can produce for my cub, considering the scarcity of food here in the Outlands."

Zira grinned evilly.

" Like I said, I will spare your cub if you take this deal. If not, well, you know..." Zira threatened.

Imani glared," You wouldn't dare."

" You know I would, Imani," Zira spoke deeply, sending chills down her friend's spine.

Imani's head dropped in defeat. She sighed and attempted to slow down her pounding heart. She looked down at the whimpering cub at her paws.

" Fine. But I'm only doing it to protect my cub," Imani gave in.

Zira grinned crookedly with satisfaction.

" Perfect," she growled.

Imani lay back down. Zira picked up the cub and placed him beside Imani. He immediately went for her milk. Zira looked down at her new son as he nursed. Her grin turned into a smile, and she saw light at the end of the tunnel for the first time since Vitani's escape.

Zira lifted her head proudly and sighed as new thoughts flooded her mind. She kept her eyes on the nursing cub and suddenly felt darkness return to her heart after a long break. She growled softly as she gave her new son a name.

" Kovu. The Chosen One."

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