Chapter 11: Rescue

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Simba squirmed in his upright position. His eyes opened to find Zira's red eyes staring back at him. He tried to free himself, but failed. He felt weak. His head was pounding.

Zira broke into a laugh, " Look who's finally awake! Simba!" She raised her muzzle into the sky, a crooked grin appearing on her face.

" Zira! Let me go!" Simba responded with bared teeth.

" Oh? And why would I do that?"

Zira laughed again. She felt victorious.

" How dare you ambush and kidnap me!" Simba roared.

Zira nodded slowly. She kept a safe distance from the angry king.

" It wasn't that hard, really. For being the king of the Pridelands, you sure were quite easy to capture." Zira smirked.

Simba growled in response. There was nothing else he could do. At that moment, Nuka ran up to Zira's side. He kept his head tall and body straight.

" Mother, Nala is on her way!" He announced.

Zira kept her eyes on Simba.

" Excellent."

Nuka left as quickly as he came. Within seconds, Vitani appeared in the den entrance.

" Can I come out now, Mother?" Her tiny voice filled the air.

Zira turned to her at the sound of her voice. It filled her with anger.

" No! Get back in the den!"

Vitani wouldn't obey this time. After spending time to herself for a while in the den, she realized how cruel her mother really was. She decided she wasn't going to put up with it anymore.

" But why? I didn't do anything wrong." Vitani mentioned innocently.

Zira charged at Vitani with clenched jaws. Vitani prepared for a smack, which came in hard. She flew through the air a few feet and landed hard. She slid on the rock ground.

Tears filled her eyes as she stood up. She stood tall against her mother, although still very tiny in comparison.

" You're a terrible mother! I hate you! I want to live with the King and Queen!"

Zira lifted her paw with sharp claws showing.


Nala and the remaining group members watched in horror as Zira smacked Vitani to the ground, knocking her unconscious.

" Weak, pathetic daughter!" Zira roared.

She then returned her attention back to Simba, who stared in shock at the sight he had just witnessed.

Nala and the group were at a safe distance, unseen and unheard. They waited for backup. Nala felt bad for Vitani. She still seemed innocent, and her mother was so abusive for no reason.

Nala's ear twitched as a group of lionesses came up behind her. She turned around with relief at the sight of the backup she requested.

" Okay, here's the plan: We create a diversion. All of you will attack Zira's pride while I free Simba," Nala stated.

She sighed and looked at the ground with guilt.

" I know as your queen, I'm supposed to protect all of you. I feel bad for engaging you into battle. I'll try to be fast in saving Simba. Just... try to stay alive."

The lionesses exchanged glances as Nala turned around.

" Wait for my signal," she ordered.

Nala crouched low to the ground. She kept her eyes on Zira and her pride. Now, Zira was pacing back and forth quite far from Simba. She seemed to have forgotten that Nala was coming.

Nala approached Simba without trouble.

" Simba," she whispered.

Simba turned his head to his right to find Nala crouched.

" Nala? What're you doing here?"

" Saving you!" She gave him a 'duh' look.

" I don't need to be saved!"

" Apparently you do!"

She started ripping the vines with her claws.

" You're gonna get caught!" Simba warned.

" Not if you shut up!" Nala retorted.

Nala looked up just in time to find Zira turning her head to look at them. Her heart nearly froze in place until she remembered the backup she brought. She flicked her tail and a group of lionesses immediately ambushed the unsuspecting pride.

Nala quickly finished freeing Simba and they quickly ran around the large mess of claws and jaws. Zira was somewhere in the mix.

Nala and Simba stopped and faced the Pridelands. Nala turned toward the battle and roared loudly, causing the Pridelanders to suddenly stop fighting and bolt back to the border.

The Outlanders were left shook.

" Get them!" Zira roared.

Her pride chased after the Pridelanders. But by the time they caught up, they were already across the border. The Outlanders stopped, knowing that entering the forbidden territory would probably mean death.

They turned around and headed back to Zira's den, defeated. Zira looked angrier than ever when they returned. She paced in front of her den. A few feet away, Vitani lifted her tawny head.

" Mother?"

Zira had forgotten that she knocked her unconscious. Deep down, she felt guilty. She was too angry at the moment to show any glimpse of her motherly side.

The pride watched as Zira walked over and lifted Vitani in her jaws. The way she held her cubs was unlike any other lion. She held Vitani by her middle instead of the back of the neck. It looked painful.

Without glancing at her pride, Zira trudged into her den with Vitani rag-dolling in her jaws.

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